Diabetic and Arthritis Relief TreatsOle Dog Cookie Company, Diabetic and Arthritis Relief Dog Treats
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Old Dog Cookie Company
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Dimitri's Story
by Melissa, Riverside , CA

 I wanted to take a minute to share with you my dog Dimitri's story. He was diagnosed with diabetes over a year ago, and quickly went blind due to his ailment. Life has changed dramatically for him, my husband, and myself since his diagnosis. He now requires two insulin shots a day, glucose testing daily, and a strict diet. Along with the strict diet it was advised that he could no longer have his beloved treats. That is, until I discovered your company. I have been a loyal customer for almost a year now and Dimitri looks forward to his treat everyday after his shot. So to that I say thank you for developing this tasty high quality product, and for bringing a little joy into Dimitri's life every day.

Dimitri is an 11 year old Malamute/Wolf mix in my previous email. At his largest he weighed 140 lbs, but has since slimmed down to 110 lbs with his new diet he's on. I attached two more photos of him and our other dog so you can see the size (sorry for all the photos, proud pet mom here!). He continues to love playing catch with his ball and to go on walks. We had a heard time adjusting at first to his blindness, but once he mapped out his surroundings he was completely fine. He even still occasionally catches birds and mice and leaves them on the backdoor steps for us (crazy because he's blind!). I checked out the other story on your website and it sounds similar to mine. Glad to know there are others out there who can relate to us. We did look into cataract surgery at one point, but because of his age we decided not to.

Diabetes and Blindness - Tucker





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