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Diabetic and Arthritis Relief TreatsOle Dog Cookie Company, Diabetic and Arthritis Relief Dog Treats
Old Dog Cookie Company
Old Dog Cookie Company
Send us a letter with your message and enclose your photo, mail to: OLD DOG COOKIE COMPANY,
19 Island Beach Road, Wells, ME, USA 04090 OR send an e-mail to with your message and attach your digital photo to the message.  Either method is OK.  If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail.  Thank you.

Arthritis Relief Satisifed CustomerDiabetic Satisfied Customer

Diabetic Satisfied Customers
"Ella wants to send out a big "Thank You" to everyone for the scrumptious diabetic tiny treats!!  Ella will be having her 7th birthday next month and so far is beating liver disease.  Your diabetic treats are low in protein so she can enjoy them as a reward throughout the day.  Thanks for improving her quality of life.  No doubt her doggie birthday cake will be decorated with her favorite treat!!"

~ Sharon, Eagle River, AK

"We live in upstate NY. on Saturday 15Apr2017 Ozkar went missing while we were visiting family in the Columbus, OH area. After numerous trips (8hr drive each way) to OH to search for Ozkar, to bring him home, we finally found him Mother's Day Sunday 14May2017. While driving around searching in areas we had searched many times before, we got a call that Ozkar was spotted in a location about 2mi away from where we were the moment we got the call. We broke all sorts of traffic laws to rush to the location and while slowly driving the residential street there he was, walking a front yard about six houses ahead of us. What a joyful, blessed reunion after a month's absence. It was his favorite toy (a fuzzy, yellow squeaky chicken) and (what we refer to as his  breakfast cookies  aka Old Dog Cookie Company Diabetic Cookies ... applause applause) that ensured that his odyssey was truly over and he was finally coming home. This Thank You to you guys is waaayyy overdue (my bad), but wanted y'all to know what a critical role y'all played in bringing Ozkar Euless home to his family (Mama, Daddy, and 3 rescue cats).  God Bless all y'all at Old Dog Cookie Company for your great company, for your dedication and commitment to our canine family members. We've had the good fortune to be ordering your product (Diabetic Cookies) for a number of years now (first for our mini-Schnauzer, Hummer, who passed away from diabetes complications 16June2016 ... and ordering now for our standard Schnauzer Ozkar Euless who doesn't have diabetes, but loves the cookies).  Once again, our sincere thanks to Old Dog Cookie Company.”

~ Diane, Mike, Ozkar Euless (and 3 rescue cats :-), Rome, NY 

"Several months ago I began looking for a treat that I could safely give my rattie who was having a difficult time with regulating blood glucose.  Old Dog Cookies met the challenge!" 

~ Deborah, Cincinnati, OH 

"Our baby girl Olive became diabetic in Sept 17. We have 3 other dogs. We are so thankful for these treats I originally found on Amazon. She doesn't feel like she is missing out on Last Call treat and she has done very well with these. I am now changing all my dogs over to it, not that they need it for medical reasons but why not feed a healthy snack. We are so glad we found you.

Here is a photo of my furbabies. Olive is the black one. The rest of the crew are Sulley, Mylo (w his Mohawk which is natural except for the color of course) and Oz."

~ Suzanne,  N. Massapequa, NY 

"I received our first order of Diabetic dog cookies and Jack loves them. I am so happy that I found you on line....actually by accident, I was looking for some recipes for cookies for Jack and there you were. He was diagnosed with diabetes in March of 2017. Our hearts sank because we had no idea what to expect.But he did great with his insulin and was really doing fine, until he developed cataracts and was going blind. In October, he had cataract surgery and now can see better than ever. Thank you for all your stories and the wonderful cookies. Jack is 13 and we are proud of the way he is doing."

~ Tommy & Judy, Rockwell, NC  

"Maddie is watching for the arrival of her cookies. Lol. Thanks guys."

~  Susan, Lawrenceville, GA

"Lucky is thirteen years old and about thirteen pounds of attitude. He stations himself on the back of the sofa so he can look out the front window and warn me if the mailman tries to sneak up on the mail box.  He is believed to be a Papillion and Coton de Tulear mix. We are both retired and in a contest to see who can take the most naps in a day. I keep track of his naps and he keeps track of mine, but I think he cheats.  He was recently diagnosed as diabetic but twice a day insulin shots and diet changes have stabilized his blood sugar level.  Thanks to your diabetic cookies I can give him treats whenever he decides he deserves them. Thanks."

~ Chuck, Rockville Centre, NY 

Doodles "Doodles doesn’t even notice the needle behind him, he is totally a happy face because he’s getting his old dog cookies, meanwhile, while eating he gets his insulin.  12 yr old Doodles is a happy dog!"

~ Barbara, Arvada, CO 

"Sushi is a 10 year old jack Russell/beagle diabetic dog. He was used to getting a couple of treats a day,but once he was diagnosed he was not allowed to have anymore....tell that to him! We started searching the internet for an alternative and that’s how we came across your product. He loves them and the cookies do not raise his glucose, even if we give him a few more a day. Thank you for making this product!"

~ Rebecca, Arvada, CO

Nytro "When Nytro was diagnosed with Diabetes last Sept. an employee of mine gave me some of your Diabetic treats for him to try. His prescription treats were so awful he wouldn’t even eat them. Nytro loved your treats and since then that is all he has been eating. I just want to say Thank You and we will be a forever customer."

~ Kimberly, Keewatin, MN

"We wanted to share our story about Kobi.  He is thirteen years old and he was diagnosed with Diabetes in November of 2016.  Kobi has always had a hearty appetite and after being diagnosed, his life and ours changed drastically.  No more treats for Kobi and that was really hard cause he literally lives to eat. We currently give him two shots of insulin a day and four of your Old Dog Diabetic cookies. You don’t how happy we were to have found your cookies.  Kobi absolutely loves them and we love you.  Thank you so much!"

~ Evelyn, Johns Creek, GA

Miss Daily
"Miss Daily was a recertified as a therapy dog a week ago. She is an 8 year old pup. She delights in her Old Dog cookies-frequently. She looks forward to her insulin shots with which she associates a treat of a cookie.
She loves little ones as well as seniors. She loves to travel and looks forward to wintering in FL.

~ David, Providence. RI

"My dog has diabetes, I was sad when they said she couldn't have any dog treats, then I found these. I waited for her blood test to come back after giving her a few of these, like 3 weeks before the test was done. Test came back with perfect results. Doctor was very happy saying that doesn't always happen. I give her 1 a day careful not to over do it.She loves these treats, and I don't feel bad that she have to go without."

"Since my other dog does get treats. Now she's a happy dog and loves these! Thanks for making a treat for diabetes dogs."

~ Gerri, San Jose, CA

Fan Of The Month - August 2017

"Thank you so much! It's great to have a cookie that is so good for him AND he loves them.  Houdini says thanks too!"

~ Vicki, Raleigh, NY

"Sammy is my 8 year old Teddy Roosevelt terrier. He acquired insulin dependent diabetes from over feeding. His max. weight was 21 pounds. With the help of Old Dog cookies (and much needed owner education) Sammy is now a "perfect" 13 pounds! Old dogs rule!!" 

~ Frank, Pine Island, FL

Lucky "Lucky loves her old dog diabetic cookies! Her road has been a struggle. She had been sick for over a month when we finally found out she was diabetic. We found out too late unfortunately, and had to rush her to an emergency vet where she stayed for 3 nights. She can eat only prescription food twice a day with insulin shots and treats in between. It took her a while to adjust to the change of both food and treats as she had been eating the same things for 13 years, but she gobbles them up now. We just ran out so, I'll be buying more soon. Here's a pictures of her with her big, little brothers. (Yes, the cat is as big as she is.)  Thank You!"

~ Brittany, Smithfield, NC

"I found your product on Amazon and loved the positive comments from other pet owners.  Max our beloved little sugarbaby loves your treats.  He looks forward to munching on them just after his fillup!  I always say that he is going to the gas station for a fill up!  Your treats makes his life easier.  I thank you so very much."

~ Denise, Santa Rosa, CA

"Aloha, Nani absolutely loves your cookies and thank you for creating such a product for all of the dogs that have this condition.
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!"

~ Denise, Kailua-Kona, HI 

"Here's a photo of our sweet boy Louie. He was diagnosed diabetic in August of 16 and went blind almost immediately. He loves old dog cookies! It gives me peace of mind to know that I am giving him a treat that works with, rather than against his diabetes. Thank you for making a great product!" 

~ Alicia, Visalia, CA

Thor, Zeus and Loki
Jane "Hi! Jane loves her cookies! She gets 1 after each meal/insulin shot as a treat! Thanks so much!"

~ John, Rochester, NY

"I'm very happy to have found your diabetic dog cookies. I have 3 chocolate labs and 2 are diabetic (Thor on couch and Loki on chair). The 1 who is not (Zeus-with Blanket) loves the treats too!
These treats have helped lower the blood sugar of both my diabetic dogs. It's been a joy to see the #'s go down and still be able to give them goodies! Thank you Old Dog Cookie Company!!!Sincerely,"

~ Angela & Steve and Zeus, Thor and Loki, Sevierville, TN

Thor, Zeus and Loki
"Sven loves his Diabetic Treats!!  Thank you so much!! He feels like a Superhero!" Best.

~ Maggie and Sven, West Boothbay Harbor, ME

"Cody just loves his new treats! It's nice to be able to give him something that I know is safe for him. He is an 8 yr old Rottweiler, with snacks are hard to come by!  
Thank you for making treat giving possible again!!!"

~ Christy and Cody, Garland , TX

"Griff and Russ my Brussels Griffons were sad that their cookies didn't come.  It's the only thing that gets them through their blood glucose testing!"

~ Bobbie, Medford, NJ

"Sophie Sox is a newly diagnosed diabetic with Cushing’s disease.  She has had a complete change in her diet and we are happy to find Old Dog diabetic cookies.  She loves them!  Thank you."

~ Margaret, Santa Fe, NM

Sophie Sox
Chiquita "Chiquita love her cookies. She  always looks for them."

~ Suzie, Brooklyn, NY

"Blondie Enjoying her new container of Old Dog Treats"

~ Kat, Philadelphia, PA

Dimitri "Hello,I wanted to take a minute to share with you my dog Dimitri's story. He was diagnosed with diabetes over a year ago, and quickly went blind due to his ailment. Life has changed dramatically for him, my husband, and myself since his diagnosis. He now requires two insulin shots a day, glucose testing daily, and a strict diet. Along with the strict diet it was advised that he could no longer have his beloved treats. That is, until I discovered your company. I have been a loyal customer for almost a year now and Dimitri looks forward to his treat everyday after his shot. So to that I say thank you for developing this tasty high quality product, and for bringing a little joy into Dimitri's life everyday."

~ Melissa, Riverside , CA

"Zadie has never tasted your treats, but I’m almost positive that he’ll like them. Other dogs on Facebook rave about them! I’d like to order 2 boxes of the diabetic treats. Please get back to me at your convenience re: payment etc. Thank you for thinking of our LWD (little white dog)."

 ~ Wendy, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

"Jeter loves the diabetic cookies and Kermit loves the arthritis cookies. Below are pictures of both dogs. Jeter is tri color and Kermit is the traditional corgi color scheme"

~ Brian, Newport News, VA
Logan and Landry "Theses are my sons Landry & Logan.Logan is the newly diabetic on the left, he almost died of DK two weeks ago before we even knew he had it... they are my sons and I hope he will like the treats as it has been so hard cutting out our regular yummy treats..."

~ Julieanne, Dallas, TX
"I'm so happy that I found your cookie company and that my girl Nico loves your cookies! It was a hard time when Nico was diagnosed with diabetes to completely change her diet, especially since she is a food driven stubborn rottie! But luckily I found your treats and showed them to her vet, which he highly approved of, and she loves them! Thank you for making something for her to enjoy even though she can't have all her old regular jerkys and treats.  It makes me happy to keep her happy."

~ Jess, Lake Tahoe, CA

Kaiden "I adopted Kaiden back in 2005 when he was 3 months old. He is an Australian Shepard Merle and was born deaf and visually impaired. He has starburst eyes so he was dealt with an interesting hand upon coming into this world. Over the years he has brighten up the lives of every one he has met and has the softest, sweetest heart ever seen in an animal. He is full of joy and happiness and loves when it's time to eat, sleep or go for walks. Two years ago he was diagnosed with Diabetes. So that became a challenge all by itself on top of being deaf and gradually losing more vision over the years. He lives for the old dog cookie treats he gets them after every meal and every walk. Thank you for making his life somewhat more simple but keeping his heart happy and full."

~ Stephanie, Denver, CO

"Scampy and Daisy love your cookies !!!"

~ Melinda, Mansfield, OH

Scampy and Daisy
Molly "We got our cookies today, thanks for the quick shipment, we will definitely be ordering again!"

~ Nancy, Kissimmee, FL

"Stella loves them!   Thanks for asking!  Ordering more today!"
~ Betsy, Sarasota, FL 
Mia "Mia our fur baby just wanted to say thanks again."
~ James, Lyman, ME
"Photo of Amos! He was having a bad hair day-ha! Thanks for posting his picture on your FB page.I will most definitely go on and “like” you guys. "

~ Sharon, Eagle River, AK 

Mona "Mona loves her diabetic cookies  and I'm so happy to be able to give her treats again. All our dogs love your treats. 
Thank you."

~ Kristen, Columbiaville, MI

"Tela loves your treats! Thank you!"

~ Justin, Frisco, TX

Rocky "Rocky loves his Diabetic cookies"

~ Mike, Henderson, NV

"O'Banion loves your diabetic biscuits. He comes running when it's time for his insulin shot knowing a few of your diabetic biscuits will soon follow."

~ Denise, Newark, DE

Chickie "Thank you for catching what could have been a disaster if Chickie didn't get her treats! Thank you again for supplying such a good product for our little diabetic dog, she really loves your treats"

~ Anne , Staten Island , NY

"Kosmo Vydell is so happy that he found a great tasting treat that helps with his diabetes.  He has had a rough time getting his levels regulated but always looks forward to one of these tasty cookies"

~ Dave & Steve, West Des  Moines, IA

Kosmo Vydell
Comet "Comet is doing just fine and absolutely loves your cookies"

~ Maria, Stamford, CT

"Alex loves her biscuits. It's the motivation she needs to eat her same old boring dog food when she knows her reward is an Old Dog biscuit. Thank you for such a treat!"

~ Carole, Langhorne, PA

Jazmin "LOVE the cookies!  Thanks for making something I can snack on and maintain my health! I'm ready for summer!"

~ Debbie, Evergreen, CO

"I love your cookies – they mean I still get treats when my brother and sister get treats!!!!!"

~ Sally, Walnut Creek, CA

Zeus "Zeus loves the cookies and so does his 15 year old sister Shena.    Great product  So glad I found this!"

~ Eugene, Jupiter, FL

"Yes he loves them! Of course i break them up for him.  It would be great if you made minis for the littler dogs!"

~ Linda, Hackensack, NJ

Kit "Kit really likes the cookies. I will be getting some more and if you have any other treats for her I'll probably try them. I am going to try and send a photo of her. Once again thank you."

 ~ Linda, Shiner, TX

"Max loves your Old Dog Cookies.  Had ordered them before from Amazon but last order I went through your website.  He does love them and they are healthy for diabetic dogs!"

~ Patti, Old Fort , NC

Chloe "I'm submitting this picture of one your biggest fans, Chloe. She loves your treats!!> She's a sweet 8 yr old Wire-haired Dachshund, diagnosed with diabetes a 
year ago. We're so thankful that you make yummy treats for dogs like her! Thank you,"

~ Rebecca, Ray and Chloe, Spring Hill, FL

“This is Frieda she is an 8 year old mini schnauzer who needs a hair cut! She is diabetic for almost a year now and had one cataract removed, so is blind in one eye. She loves the old dog cookies and they help manage her insulin levels, so that's great!"

~ Lisa, Philadelphia, PA

Rhythm "Rhythm is doing well and enjoying his new snacks.  It's nice that there is something for him since he can't really eat the dog biscuits he used to get.  Now that we have finally regulated his insulin and diet he is doing so much better.  I'll be reordering soon."

~ Val, Stockton, NJ

"Cletus loves his new treats! Actually, his sister Abby (who fortunately isn’t diabetic) enjoys them as well. We just started the second container so will need to be ordering again soon."

~ Laura, Pulaski, WI

Duffy "Duffy is as good as a blind, diabetic ShiTsu can be at this point...We love him and his bishon/poodle mix brother-both rescues-very much! 
And they enjoy your cookies very much!  They often split one when they deserve a treat..."

~ Jan,  Frankfort, IL

"Dot is a rescue dog with the Pibbles& More Animal Rescue. She was  found tied to a fence in Rockaway, NY with a note that red, My mane is Dot and I am very  sick. She had uncontrolled diabetes and the shelter gave her just a few hours pull through. Its been a long road but she is now healthy and regulated and she loves her Old Dog treats! I don’t want to think what would have happened if this great rescue hadn’t stepped up for her. It’s tough to be a diabetic girl in a home with other non-diabetics and Foster parents who love giving treats but now she can get her very own treats! Dot is with Pibbles & More Animal Rescue and is still available for adoption. She is a happy girl who is extra wiggly when the Old Dog Cookie container gets opened!"

~ Tamera, Middletown, CT

(If  you are interested in adopting Dot and want to get in touch with Tamera, Please contact us at 1-888-334-9DOG).
Bingo "Bingo loves his treats!"
~ Diane, Jacksonville, FL
"Belle loves them!  She will not eat the W/D prescribed by her vet but loves your Diabetic  treats. Thanks for making a delicious treat for diabetic fur babies!"
~ Donna, Sadieville. KY
"Sunshine always looks forward to her box of yummy treats. We can't wait. Thanks for making quality treats that keeps her diabetes in check and still gives her something special after our walks.
We received the cookies. Here are some pictures of how happy the delivery made my little princess Sunshine."
~ Heather, Rock Hill, SC

"This is Fritzy's mom; he really likes the treats and would eat ALL in one sitting if he could!  Thanks for a great product; it's been very helpful for me learning to manage Fritz's newly diagnosed diabetes.  He's doing much better and I think (and really HOPE!) we might be on the upswing!"
~ Mary, Lafayette, IN
Chance "Chance after her insulin shot she gets an Old Dog"
~ Bernadette, San Jose, CA
"Hush Puppy loves his old dog cookies"
~ Cynthia, Santa Fe, NM
Hush Puppy
"SAM is enjoying his OLD DOG cookies.  I am so glad to have found you.  Still doing a "blood sugar curve" to try and find just the right amount of Insulin.  He is doing quite well.  Has that "bounce" back in his step."
~ Tamara,Oak View, CA
"Thank you for your note; I’m glad you have the business organized the way you want it to be. Extra great that you have employed people who need the job! 
This is our Andy, he’s been diabetic about 5 years now, doing great! He only gets your cookies!  He’s 16 in April, still ruling the roost over 3 other large dogs! Thank you for being such an important part of his good health. He would be miserable without his Old Dog cookies!"

~ Linda, Lisle, IL

Abby "My sweet lil dog Abby was just diagnosed with diabetes. Our world has been turned upside down. The diagnosis has been devastating. Being the typical picky eater small dog I was skeptical of her eating them. I couldn't get the box open quick enough. She was jumping up & down (I guess she could smell them). She LOVES her cookies!! Thank you soooo much!!! Changing everything in her life, her favorite food & treats has been terrible. But im sooo grateful she has something she loves that is not harmful to her health. Thank you again. We'll be a customer from now on!"

~ Lori, Bowling Green. KY

"I love them!  I am 13 (picture is when I was younger). I have diabetes. I can only eat my food out of a can twice a day.  Then a get my shot.  I only get them when I've been good and need a treat!  I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, so I have to be on a special diet.   These are awesome!  I opened them myself for Christmas from my Auntie Terri and my cousins.   I want to have more!  Please send more! Please... Thank you, Dallas ^..^ "

~ Eric, CA

Little Lucy
"This is the first time using your diabetic treats for dogs.  Emmy seems to be doing very well with them. Keeping her on a special prescription dog food along with insulin and your treats is keeping her sugar levels in check. Attached is a recent picture of Emmy."

~ Alicia, Fairfax, VA

"Meet Rex! Rex was not a fan of his shots until his dad found out about Old Dog Cookie Company. His dad recently wrote to us....."A friend of min recommended that I buy your great treats for diabetic dogs after finding out my 10 yr old Corgie was diagnosed with diabetes, I've ordered twice now from you and he loves your fabulous treats!!! It also helps me when I have to give him his insulin cause he doesn't try to bite me anymore smile emoticon. Thanks to you and my friend for putting out the word!!"

~ Tom, Levittown, PA

Gus "My dog Gus was diagnosed diabetic 3 months ago, and was used to eating ALL cookies ALL day.  When they told me "no more cookies" I didn't know what we were going to do. What a relief when I found your website!  Gus gets an Old Dog Cookie right after he receives his insulin shot twice/day.  He absolutely loves them!  Thank you!"

~ Deb and Gus, Sutton, MA

"My baby was diagnosed with diabetes right before her seventh birthday. We had to change her diet overnight. I ordered three boxes of the Old Dog Cookies and she is a happy girl again. She gets one right after her morning and evening insulin shots. I think she actually looks forward to her shots now. This is her resting after a long walk."

~ Lloyd, Lexington, S.C.

Little Lucy
Charlotte Mae
"This is our sweet Charlotte. Diabetic and losing her sight. But boy oh boy she loves her old dog treats"
~ Tammy, Los Osos, CA
"Thank you for making such a great treat.  I am a 12 year old Aussie and was diagnosed with diabetes in September.  My parents immediately put me on a strict diet and quit giving me treats – cold turkey!  They would sneak treats to my younger brother, Luke, thinking I didn’t see, but I did.  And I didn’t like feeling left out.  Then we found Old Dog Cookie Company.  So far I’ve only tasted a few as my dad says he doesn’t want to over do it.  He’s really cautious and says he needs to know the calories and sugar/carb content of the cookies so he can count them in my new diet.If you can help, maybe I’ll be able to chase the deer again soon! Jax"
~ Tim, Walton Hills, OH
Jax and DeerJax and Luke
Copito and Rio "I am a repeat customer for my 2 boys. They love these cookies . Copito my 12 year Schnauzer is diabetic and his A1C has improved a lot with insulin, food and blessed treats like yours. Rio my little adopted Maltese loves them too . They digest them very well and even their breath has improved."
~ Luis, Miramar, FL
"He is doing pretty good, Likes your treats. Good thing sense they are the only ones my vet will approve so far."
~ Mike, Arlington, TX
"Here is a picture of our Ty! He loves getting a cookie after his insulin shots! He looks forward to it everyday! Thank you Old Dog Cookie company for giving him a special treat we don't have to worry will upset his sugar!"
~ Amanda, Port St Lucie, FL
"Sergeant is loving his cookies and so is our other dog who is not diabetic.  He has been going blind and is having cataract surgery on Tuesday.  I will take some cookies for him when he wakes up! Thanks for inventing them."

~ Debbie, Malvern, PA

Summer "Summer is enjoying her Old Dog Cookies very much.  They are her treat after her injections and she really looks forward to her injection in order to get her cookie.  Thanks so much!!"
~ Karen, Altavista, VA

 Dear Aunt Jef;  Remember my Siberian Husky sister Tessie?  She enjoyed your diabetic cookies for almost four years before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 6 months ago.  I sort of cheated and ate them too (they were so good) although I did not have diabetes at the time.  Well, guess what?  I was diagnosed with canine diabetes five days ago (at 11.5 years old) and am doing fine; taking my insulin shots like the big girl that I am.  So this order is for me.  Your friend, Emm"
~ Errol, Phoenix, AZ
Maggie "Maggie say they're great, it's so had to find treats for a dog that is diabetic that will last and I feeling so bad for her because my other dog would get treats and she wasn't able to eat them due to her condition.  I am so glad for these treats, she is a happy dog again.  AND...She loves them, so does my other dog that isn't diabetic. :) "

~ Dawn, Sunrise, FL

"Getty loves the cookies, which we are very happy about, since he's limited as to what he can have.  He was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year.  He also has Cushing's, and we understand the combination isn't good.  Fortunately, he's doing well with the treatment.Getty is in the foreground.  Sally is in the picture as well.  She's also a fan of the cookies."
~ Dave, Westminister, MD
"Thank you so very, very, very much for making such a great treat for my recently diagnosed diabetic dog.  Darlyn LOVES them and she has more energy than ever.  Even her levels have lowered significantly.  I will continue using your diabetic cookies for as long as Darlyn is with us.Keep making those healthy treats!"
~ Elizabeth, Brighton, MI


~ Katherine, Fairplay , CO

"Old Dog Diabetic Cookies are so delicious that I MUST lick my lips! Even my non-diabetic friend says they are the most delicious cookies he has ever eaten. (I only share when Mom makes me!)
Thanks for making a great product that we can feel good about giving to Max!"

~ Anna, Auburn, AL

"Thank you so very, very, very much for making such a great treat for my recently diagnosed diabetic dog.  Darlyn LOVES them and she has more energy than ever.  Even her levels have lowered significantly.  I will continue using your diabetic cookies for as long as Darlyn is with us.Keep making those healthy treats!"

~ Elizabeth, Brighton, MI

"My little girl 12 year old poodle Pierre......yes she is a girl ,was diagnosed with diabetes a year ago. I searched and searched for a healthy treat that wouldn't hurt her condition. I am so happy I found your old dog treats. She is such a special girl and I'm so glad she can still enjoy treats.Her little little brother 4 year old, yorkiepoo Indy loves them too!!
Many, many thanks for helping to keep my dogs healthy and happy. We are so grateful!"
~ Lori , New York, NY
Yorkiepoo Indy
Yorkiepoo Indy
"Kallie has been getting the Diabetic treats/Cookies for about a little over 2 yrs. Yesterday morning she woke up and got up and went to get some water and her legs gave out and she fell I went to her and I could see she was having a seizure so took her and put kayo syrup on her gums and just petted her she came out of it in 3-4 mins and was fine. I offered her a few of the Diabetic treats and she ate them right up, she has NEVER turned her head away from them. She loves them some mornings she doesn't want to eat so I give her about 9-10 of them so I can give her Insulin!! She's blind now and will be 14 next month Aug 15 I've had her since 8 wks and rescued from the shelter. She's my <3 Old Dog Cookie Company is a God's send don't know what I'd do without them!!!! ;) <3"

~ Happy Birthday Kallie, Gail , CA

"Daisy did indeed like the cookies, and it's already time for a new order!  She still isn't fond of the shot routine, can't say I blame her, but it's nice to be able to give her a treat afterwards.  I've attached a couple of photos of my brave little girl, who just turned 14 in July.  Thanks again for making these products for our furry family members!"

~ Arlette, Marana, AZ

Sadie "The worst part of being a diabetic dog, isn't the shots, it's the fact that my Mom quit giving me treats!  Thank goodness she found your website with your delicious cookies, I absolutely love them.  In fact, even though I can't see anymore, I can still smell them whenever they are left on the counter so when I do smell them, I bark and bark and BARK until Mom or Dad give in and give me one, then they hide them again.  Thanks again for making the best cookies, ever!  Cookie lover forever,   Sadie" 
~ Cathy, Brentwood, CA
"She loves the treats! I definitely will be ordering more when we return from vacation. Madison is our 11 year old Shepard mix sweetheart. She's been diabetic for 3 years. I have been baking my own treats for her for a long time, but it's great to be able to give her a bit more variety :)”
~ Julie, Pembroke Pines, FL
Critter "Critter is our 11 year old schnauzer he was recently diagnosed with diabetes.  These are not his real brothers but that's what we call them. They are all so much a part of our family. Their names are Coal and Little one. They do not have diabetes but also LOVE your cookies also. As everyone has found that the diet has to drastically change for them.  And finding your product has made my schnauzer family very happy again!  We search everywhere for diabetic treat and nothing! Until googled and found you! Thanks so much for making such a great product."
~ Kathy, Aledo, IL
"Wooof! Yummmmo. I'm guarding this box till mom comes home. Thanks for cooking up special treats for dogs like me. So glad we found y'all. 

Best wishes from deep in the heart of Texas! Your pal Molly (lick)"

~ Ann, Marble Falls, TX

Sunshine "Here is Sunshine when she received the biscuits for her 12th birthday. She was so excited. She is diabetic so very limited to what she can have. I had resorted to making treats for her but sometimes we are short on time and mine require refrigeration. So glad she LOVES them! We will order again soon! 
Thanks and Best regards,Sunshine & her grandmommy" 

~ Heather, Rock Hill, SC

"Hello from TX.  We found you while searching the web for diabetic treats for my fur baby.  Hunter is a Blk & Silver mini schnauzer.  Now in Hunter's world treats have been very important!  Then a month ago we were told no more treats and he was not happy.  Then I found you and read all of your puppy dog high fives.  We are so happy we will have treats after the injections.  Hunter sends high fives to all of you!!!   thank you"

~ Lanelle, Lufkin, TX

Heidi "She really likes cookies"

~ Tim, Herkimer, NY

"My name is Jax, this is my sister Sophie. I'm six years old.I was diagnosed with diabetes a couple months ago.Mom mom found Old Dog Cookie Treats online. I LOVE my new treats! I was worried that I wouldn't be able to have treats anymore! Thank You So Much! They taste great! Mom loves the friendly customer service!"
~ Cindy, McKinney, TX
Jasper "Jasper loves the cookies! He thinks they are the best treats. We have used them for training purposes. Jasper is blind and we adopted him as a rescue dog 6 weeks ago. The treats have been a great way to help build a bond with him when we are doing training things and learning his new environment. We have a bed and breakfast and our guest's always want to give him a treat- these are perfect for them! We bought 10lbs of them and have shared them with guests who had dogs at home that were diabetic so they could enjoy them as well."

~ Melanie, Interlochen, MI

"I love the cookies! My best friend is going to order another 5 lb. package!" 

~ Gloria, Maumee, OH

CiCi "Cici, an Old Dog Cookie Company Fan. 

~ Sally, Seal Beach, CA

"This is me Sadie and a picture of my two brothers on the left that hog your cookies too (they needed to go on a diet anyway).  We love your cookies!  Right now and for the past 2 years I have been battling bladder cancer and developed diabetes. Now, all of us are on a diabetic diet.  Diabetes is under control along with cancer. I have been through the wringer....but am doing well now and I come running for your cookies! They are healthy and no preservatives.  Good for all of us.   They are the only treats that I can have, which makes the shots a little easier. Please keep making more...Love, Sadie"
~ Linda, Bristol, NH
Lakota "I love my diabetic cookies. Mom took them to the vet and he approved them. She only let's me have a few per day.   Mom  shared them with my best friends family too so that when I visit they can give me treats too. 
Thanks for making these. I will make sure she orders more.Lakota"
~ Cindy, Crestwood, KY
"I'm old but then I got angry when my doctor told my mom and dad I was diabetic. They said no more treats for me.  Then mom found OldDog diabetic treats.   I love them I'm still old but not so angry any more. Thank you Zoe"
~ Jennifer, Grand Rapids, MI
"Your timing was perfect because I wanted to order another container. Although they are a little hard and Monkian is going on 13 yrs with MANY health issues, therefore eating hard foods are sometimes difficult for him, I am happy knowing the treats are safe for diabetics.Attached is a pic of Monkian, thank you for following up with me!"
~ Erika, Fullerton, CA
"Thanks so much. Otto was just diagnosed and we are trying to get him on the right does of insulin.  I immediately addressed his diet. Treats are something he loves, so I'm thrilled that I found your company. I've attached a pic of Otto. He'll be 10 in June. Thanks again."
~ Michelle, Melbourne, FL

"The first picture  has Bonnemine (11 years old) playing with Obelix (8 months old). Bonnemine recently became diabetic and thanks to Old Dog Diabetic Cookies she is playful again. Her glucose levels are much more controlled now.

The second picture has Idefix (11 years old) taking a sun bath with Obelix. Idefix is also playful again thanks to Old Dog Arthritis Cookies."

~ Jacqueline, Miami, FL

"I love your cookies as my new treat now I think I am really special!!!  Occasionally  I share with  my brother Duke and lil sis Ella (short for Cinderella) and they like them too!!!.  It is nice to know I still gets my snacks.  I was diagnosed  the first of January and I am doing  really well but it is quite a change for a 12 year old like me. Thank you for starting your company.  There needs to be more canine diabetes  awareness so parents know the symptoms.  Thanks again!!! Reveille"
~  Elaine, San Angelo, TX
Gus "Gus is a 12 yr. old. Miniature Pincher recently diagnosed with Diabetes.  So happy to find you Old Dog Cookies"
~ Richard, Rocksprings, WY
“Rocky and his brother Apollo both are enjoying the cookies!"
~ Kim, Jarrettsville, MD
Rocky and Apollo
"Sammy thanks you!  His new supply of cookies just arrived today, and just in time.  time.  Here is a picture of Sammy in the snow.Thanks for all your help."
~ John, Boston, MA
"Baxter is in the middle. He is a 7 year old rescue Beagle who has auto immune issues and became diabetic a year ago. We have done pretty well balancing him but it will always be a challenge.  The biggest problem we have had is that as a Hound he is a food monger :) and we treat train all of them as it is effective with hounds. So we were very upset that we had to limit our guy strictly. Well no more since we started using your diabetic treats!  Baxter lives them,  our vet approved the ingredients and we don't feel awful about not treating him! We love your old dog diabetic cookies!  Thank you very much."

~ Susan and Baxter, Cottonwood, CA

Ranger "I love my new treats. Finally something I can have that my vet approved, in moderation of course. So now when I get my insulin shot I run to the kitchen to get my new treat. Thanks for making something I can have. Ranger"

~ Renee, Grapevine,  TX

"TEDDY, my sweet 13 year old LhasaPoo, was diagnosed with Cushings and diabetes approximately 3 months ago.  He had never been ill.  Initially, his diagnosis was so overwhelming.  I have been studying the rather complex Cushings, as well as diabetes, to learn as much as possible about the management of both conditions. When I first received these diabetic treats, they looked a little like cardboard.  These treats really do contain the perfect ingredients for the diabetic dog and Teddy LOVES them!!   So far he is doing well and I am glad to have found the perfect treat for him.  
My other four healthy dogs love these Old Dog Diabetic Cookies too:   
Mattie, age 15, a small 4.5# Yorkie   
Marley, age 11,  Bichon/Tzu mix
Sammy, age 7, Shih Tzu
Lucky, age 7,  Shih Tzu 

Thanks for a great product"

~ JoAnn, Cary, IL

"Four Paws for Old Dog Cookies! They make a great treat after I get my shot or after a nice walk! I can't wait for our next order! Joshua"
~ Joseph, Fredericksburg, VA
"I LOVE my Old Dog Cookies!  I have them every day as a treat after I have my insulin injections.  I am so excited about the cookies that I don’t even notice the shot J Your Friend, Skip"
~ Carol, Bedford, NH
Buddy "Bretelle our 11 year old (boxer) and Charlie our new boy (Mini Schnauzer) who wandered onto our farm and was  very sick. Turns out he was a diabetic and in need of a home. After getting him the care he needed then needed a safe treat. I  searched high and low to find a treat that both of them could enjoy...they love them and I am at peace with being able to give them a healthy treat that will not harm either of them. Charlie has a home for life with us and your cookies have a home for life in our treat program.Thank you for making these available to all."

~ Helyn Of Science Of Motion,  Eatonton, GA 

"Bonny-Jean is enjoying her cookies very much!   It's wonderful to have a company that makes diabetic treats for fur babies.  Bonny-Jean who loves to sit by the window and by the front door and patrols each and everyday.  She especially looks forward to seeing the UPS truck drive by our house everyday especially when she is waiting for her favorite Old Dog Cookies!"

~ Julie, O’Fallon, MO

Bonnie Jean
"I love my new cookies! I feel much better now that I can have treats too just like my friends! My owners couldn’t find treats for me since I am diabetic.Thank you! Pudge"

~ Jamie, Sussex, NJ

"I gobble up your Old Dog Cookies! Since I am a diabetic now, these are the only treats my owner can safely give me without having my blood sugar go up. Thank you so much for thinking of diabetics like me when making your tasty treats! Squishy from Germany!"

~ Angela, APO Germany

"Petie loves the diabetic dog treats, but we don't let him eat them alone!  Petie thinks he is special now because he is blind and diabetic, but we insist on getting all of the same food and treats.  The only thing we don't want to share with him is his insulin shots!  We are supportive and watch every time mom stabs him with a needle from a safe distance of about 5 feet!
Cagney and Lacey
Cagney and Lacey

Hugs and Puppy Kisses, Cagney and Lacey.....Petie too!"

~ Lori, Katy, TX

"The cookies are very crunchy and yummy! Ozzy"

~ Erika, Bedminster, NJ

"Here's our Buddy thanks for my cookies!!"

~ Carole, Big Timber, MT

"I was given your cookies as a treat at the canine ophthalmologist when I went in for cataract surgery due to my diabetes month ago and loved them!  I'm almost done with the 2nd bin and will be reordering soon. Thank you!

PS: surgery removed both cataracts and with no complications I can see again!”

~ Diane,Green Bay, WI
 Abby "Abby is enjoying them. It's tough to find diabetic dog treats. "

~ Rich, Henrico, VA

"Ladybug loves these treats. She just polished off 5 of them. I monitor her glucose levels very closely and am happy that these treats do not elevate her levels like most other treats do."

~ Kyle, Benbrook, TX

"Kara is doing quite well with her daily insulin and really loves your cookies."

~ Thom, Summit, NJ

"Musashi loves a couple a day. Nine-plus years old, Diabetes since he was five...meditation is key "

~ Steve, San Mateo, CA

"This is Ozzy with his little brother Elvis.  That was taken 4 years ago so needless to say Elvis is the size of Ozzy now.  Ozzy loves the cookies !  He has just about finished the first box so I will be ordering more in a few weeks.  Thanks for checking up on him. Be talking soon."

~ Donna, Streetsboro, OH

"Delta saying give me the shot I want the Old Dog Cookie He is a 10 year old 10 lb Yorkie and such a sweet personality EVERYONE loves him"

~ Christine, Bradenton, FL

"I absolutely love my Old Dog Cookies!!  This picture was part of my Mommy’s and Daddy’s Christmas Card for 2011 and  2012 – getting ready to pose for the 2014 card!!   By the way, I am the cutie with floppy ears.   My “sis” is Mollie! Thanks for inquiring,Millie"

~ Karen, Nashville, TN

"I am enjoying my cookies. Finally a cookie I can eat and not have my mom worry about my sugar level. Thank you for your personal  service.  Thanks so much. I love love you cookies!"

~ Joan, Fort Lauderdale, FL

"Minnie loves the diabetic dog treats and longs for more!"
~ Ruth, Oro Valley, UT
"I guess I should start with a brief story about JB.  He is a ten year old deer headed Chihuahua who is devil and angel at the same time. JB has always been a difficult eater and treats were non existent before his diagnosis.  His diabetes was diagnosed on 2/6/14.  Though it being a total shock I was determined to do all I could for as long as I could.  The first few months were difficult with shots and getting a regular eating schedule, but improvement came slowly.  Three months ago I found a competitors product (Dia-Treaties) that I thought I would try.  The Dia-Treaties were very expensive and only lasted a month per order.  Jb had good days and bad days trying to regulate his sugar.  Unfortunately the devil in him makes it impossible to get a blood sugar reading so I have to rely on urine strips which I know aren't accurate but its the best I could do.  So I keep a very detailed journal to monitor any changes Jb has.  I never saw huge improvements while on the Dia-Treaties, his urine and water consumption never went down.  When I started giving JB your Old Dog Cookies within two days his water intake was cut in half, and I was amazed!!  I give him two cookies a day, but unfortunately he doesn't eat them on this own, so I have to crush them up a little and add some meat or cheese.  I wish I could give you more exact blood glucose readings for your information but it just isn't possible.  I will tell you that he finally stopped having any ketones in his urine for the first time since his diagnosis.  Please keep up the great work, I will be ordering more soon."

~ Lauren, Westland, MI

"Roscoe absolutely loves his new cookies! We were having a hard time finding a diabetic snack for him so he was receiving the same boring dog food all day everyday. Now he loves his cookies and we believe they've contributed to his positive weight loss. Will absolutely order again!"

~ Kara, Dallas TX

"My Mia Cherry loves your diabetic cookies! Thank god for your company! After an exhausting search on the internet, your Old Dog Cookie is the only "legit" diabetic cookie out there. Thank you again, we are very happy with this yummy cookie!"

~ Deborah, Lambertville, NJ

Mia Cherry
Tori "This is Tori, he is an 11 yr old Min Pin. He LOVES the Diabetic cookies. I was so worried about giving him treats that were not helping in the glucose control. Now I don’t worry at all. We will be placing another order. Thanks for loving the older fur babies!" 

~ Lori, Monroe, MI

"Suzie is 15 years-old.  Slowly over the past few years, she's been experiencing various medical issues.  Most recently, she's been diagnosed diabetic and needs insulin injections.  After my mom passed 11 years ago, Suzie became somewhat of a grief counselor for my father and kept him company during a most difficult time in all of our lives.  My mother was indeed my father's world.  In that world, they both had Suzie.  With Suzie's new medical issues, her diet needed a change for sure.  Your Diabetic Dog Treats were a HUGE hit with Suzie!  She gets them immediately after her insulin shots as she is very cooperative.  We feel great giving them to her because we know they are healthy for her.  Thank you so much."

~ Nick, Newburgh, NY

KC and Buddy
"I will be re-ordering a bulk order VERY SOON!  Fortunately, my 9 year-old diabetic dog Buddy (right) has NEVER been a picky eater when it comes to dog food/treats.  I have had NO TROUBLE converting him to his new diet.  HOWEVER, my 10 year-old voluptuous diva, KC (left) has been heartbroken that she no longer gets treats that are so tasty because they are packed with “all the bad things that taste so good” (i.e. sugar, sodium, and fat).  Personally, I’ve raised my dogs where they BOTH get the same treatment/food…that’s only fair “parenting” in my humble opinion.  While I feel guilty that I have “loved my dogs” with unhealthy treats for many years, I now want to make sure I give them the best advantages to maintain their health as they grow older.  With that said, it is very difficult to satisfy my diva’s picky taste AND be compliant with Buddy’s diabetic needs.  There are not many products out there, and the ones I have found have not been approved by KC’s “sophisticated” palate.  OLD DOG COOKIE COMPANY’s diabetic dog treats have met ALL of our needs!!!  I have some from another company that KC found “acceptable”, but now that she’s tried your treats, she snubs the others!  Additionally, it is comforting to know that my VERY STRICT Veterinarian approved all of the listed ingredients! "

~ Holly, Sikeston, MO

"Thanks for the treats...they are so yummy!!  I thought my cookie days were over since I've been diagnosed with diabetes but thanks to you I can still enjoy an occasional snack.  Keep up the good work!
Your new pal,Ace."

    ~ Lisa, Swansea, MA



"I just want to Thank You and your products, especially for My Guy Miles, who is a 10 1/2 yr old Golden Retriever, who loves to eat, and I spoiled him with treats, cookies, cake and things that are not good for a dog or human and of course he become diabetic, the Vet said he was over 500.
Since I switch to your products, maybe 5 weeks ago, the sugar has come down to a small reading, and he LOVES you cookies 

Thanks for your help and product in Saving Miles Life."

~ Bill, Freeport, NY

"My doggie, Sadie, is a nine year old Shih-Tzu mix. She is my first baby before our 2 year old twins came. She has been my loyal companion and fierce protector when my husband was away with business so much (one of the reasons we got a dog-to keep me company!).
In 2012 she was diagnosed with diabetes and has recently gone blind. My heart was broken but she has adapted so much easier me! She runs around our house and pulls me on her leash when we walk. Sadie loves having a treat that I am confident is not going to raise her sugar levels. I am so happy I ordered the larger bag and that you offer it"
~ Stacie, Corbin, KY
Nikko, Chloe and Clyde

"Nikko is only 6 years old and was diagnosed with Diabetes.  He appreciates the delicious and healthy treats made by your company for diabetic dogs.  We love you!! 

"Chloe is not diabetic but loves to indulge in these healthy treats.  Besides, she knows she needs to lose a few pounds.  She said to tell you to rush the treats because she is getting upset without them!"
"Clyde is not diabetic but nonetheless he loves the diabetic dog treats his mom buys for Nikko.  So mom bought more and will continue to do so.  Thank you so much! "
~ Lori, Valley Cottage, NY
"Wendy really loves these cookies. Given her dietary restricts because of diabetes, I am real comfortable giving her these. These have replaced the treats that she used to get. I even dropped off information on these at my vet so that she could share it with other clients that have diabetic dogs.Thank you"

~ Michael, Philadelphia, PA

"When my 10 pounds Maltese Lily was diagnosed with diabetes I searched everywhere for a treat that was specifically made for dogs with diabetes.  These were the only made for diabetic dog treats I could find anywhere. Coming from a very picky treat eater, she LOVES these cookies.  She has no problem coming right over for her shot, because she knows she is getting her cookie right after.  So THANK YOU Old Dog Cookies for making something that I know she can have and loves which makes shot time a happy time"

~ Dee, Robinsdale, MN

"Max actually likes the treats! So glad I found you guys, as he has always looked forward to me walking in the door after being home alone all day and his treat time!  He was just diagnosed with diabetes two months ago and I was at a loss on what to give him.  He has a pretty severe case of it and the doctor advised my not to give him any table food or treats!  Anyways, we went back to the doctor last Friday and his sugar level was the lowest its been in 2 months and that was with me giving him the treats!"

~ Allene, Rosenberg, TX

"I just made my second order of Diabetic Cookies for our dog Tubby.  Tubby is 10 years young and was just recently diagnosed with Diabetes.  I was so worried I would not be able to give him anymore 'good' treats so I was very happy to find your website!!   Our Tubby is very special to us and we want to make sure to take good care of him so he is around for a long time!"

~ Ann, Alexandria, MN

"Yeah-that's right-I'm a real southern "belle", and I love my Old Dog Cookies!"

~ Deborah, Aiken,  SC

"Yes Rascal loves the cookies!!"

~ Amanda, Brentwood, TN

"Thank you so much for the email.  Yes....he absolutely loves them! When my vet told me that his normal "cookies" were like giving a Krispy Creme doughnut to a diabetic, I found you!  He loves his cookies!  So yes here is a picture of him for your website."

~ Stefanie, Phoenix, AZ

"My baby Dobie passed away on March 14th from a heart attack . He was 11 years old and he was the one I ordered the diabetic treats for . I believe the treats did help him but my baby only had diabetes for two months and passed away I am devastated because he was truly my Baby!!! Dougie is my Toy Fox Terrier and Dobie was my Minicher Pincher. I miss my Dobie so much and wish I knew about your diabetic cookies sooner.. Dougie is enjoying the old dog cookies for arthritis and I also give him some of the diabetic cookies at times.  Thank you"

~ Fay, New Milford, NJ

Dobie and Dougie
Keno "I'm a picky eater. Some days I like them and some days I don't. But I know my owners are doing what is best for my health. Thanks for asking.Keno"

~ Heather, Fairborn, OH

"I really enjoy my "treats.   I am a Peek-a-poo and the treats taste great and help with my diabetes.  I will definitely reorder as soon as I run low.Thank you,Bear"

~ Ray, Corinth, TX

"My name is Auggie. I love my diabetic treats. Mom does too because they don't affect my sugar levels. Thanks for thinking of dogs with diabetes and the Moms who love us."

~ Sharon, Rensselaer, NY

"This is our Linus,  he's 8 years old. he's one of the most loyal dogs anyone could ever want.  He's been diagnosed with diabetes in June of last year. We are taking very good care of our family member. Linus absolutely LOVE'S your cookies. I will be placing another order from you on wednesday. Thank you so much for making these treats that special needs dogs like Linus can enjoy. It's so good to know that there is such a caring company like yours that makes treats for diabetic  dogs.  Linus said he would LOVE to be on your website to share his love of your cookies with other diabetic dogs. We will certainly pass the word around about your company. Thank you so much" Linus, & his Parents, 
~ AL & Debbie, Crystal Lake, IL
"Our 10 year old miniature Schnauzer, Benji, was recently diagnosed with diabetes. It has been a huge adjustment for not only me and my husband but Benji as well. Not only is he a picky eater but he loves getting his treats!! We went online and ordered 2 boxes of diabetic cookies from Old Dog Cookie Company and he loves them. I am so thankful to have found this company and I plan to continue ordering his treats from them."
~ Patti, Santa Fe, TX
"Molly was recently diagnosed diabetic and has a myriad of arthritic, gastro and liver issues. Although, I have always given my aging pack of 7 dogs,  healthy treats, with little or no sugar,  I was afraid she would find these rather plain. She tends to be fussy. She loves them!  She is feeling well and her gastro issue is under control. I also include the treat for the other dogs, as well."
~ Joan, Shelter Island Heights, NY
Schatzi "The three doxies love those cookies."
~ Philip, Marietta, GA
"Coco didn't like them. She sniffs it and walks away."
~ Jerry, Land O Lakes, FL
"Winston, the Silky Terrier, loves the Diabetic cookies!  We discovered about six weeks ago that he was diabetic.  He accepts these readily instead of the other treats he used to get.  We will be placing a reorder very soon.  He will be going in for a glucose curve check in a couple weeks.  We're hoping for a good result so we can keep giving him these treats.  We also like the container they come in."
~ Diane, Orange Park, FL
"Rusty just LOVES your dog cookies and that is quite a compliment coming from the pickiest dog eater I have ever seen in my life.  This is still a new diagnosis for us and he is only 6 years old.  After reading about your cookies on a diabetic dog blog and reading up on dog nutrition, I knew these would be perfect, ordered them and just prayed he would like them.  He loved them!!  He now gets a cookie after his insulin shot, which he gets twice a day.  Will definitely be ordering more.  Thank you for producing such a wonderful product for these diabetic dogs.  Rusty's mom."
~ Jean.” Clifton Park, NY
"We've been fostering Jack, a blind and diabetic Jack Russell Terrier for almost two years now.  The diabetic treats from Old Dog Cookie company are the only treats he gets.  He loves them and his blood sugar levels are  always perfect.  I highly recommend them for a diabetic dog."
~ Nick, Stamford, CT
"Thank you very much!!!  I attached a couple of pictures of Little Boy for you to put on your website if you would like.   He absolutely LOVES the cookies, waits after each insulin shot for his Old Dog Diabetic Cookie!!! They are awesome!!!" 

~ Tracy, Henderson, NV
Little Boy
"Our beautiful Kira who just turned 12 years old last month was diagnosed with Diabetes a few weeks ago.  She is a very fussy eater but we were thrilled when we found your treats for diabetic dogs and she loves them!!"
~ Thanks!” Debra, Brunswick, ME
"Yes she loves them, I just want to make sure that I do not give her too much of them. She is a 11 pound Min Pin 10 years old and has had diabetes for 2 years now.”
~ Kathy, Germanton, NC
Akashi "Akashi LOVES your treats!! I have struggled with finding treats for her that are good for her and do not disrupt her blood sugar.. Old Dog Cookies fit the bill perfectly! So not only does she love them, but I love giving them to her knowing that they're formulated for her diabetes and contain healthy ingredients :)
The attached photo is Akashi, my 7 year old Cavalier whom I treasure dearly. The photo shows her sitting patiently, waiting for her treat :) Not in the photo is my beagle/lab mix.. She's not diabetic but loves your cookies too! But she's a little camera shy and I couldn't get a good photo..Thank you for everything.. I will most definitely be ordering again and again!"

~ Melissa, Griffith, IN

"Juno loves her new treats!  She has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes, so we needed to come up with a healthy alternative for snacks\treats.  So far, so good! Attached is a picture of her waiting patiently for a treat".

~ Julie, Abington, MA

"So good to hear from someone in this world who has added some happiness to my Odie since being diagnosed with Cushings Disease, then one month later with Diabetes.  You and everyone involved in making "Old Dog Cookies" is a total Godsend.  I am on my 4th container! and will continue to purchase.  These treats have helped so much in controlling his blood sugar while keeping him satisfied with an added snack : ) We actually give Odie his Insulin while he is enjoying his Old Dog Cookie :)  Please keep up the great work, you guys ROCK, and I am so ever grateful to all of you !!  Abundant Blessings"
~ Lisa, Pittsboro, NC
"Basia loves the cookies. She is very excited that she will be famous."
~ Joanna, Chicago, IL
Ozzy "Ozzy likes the cookies just fine.  We were happy to find some treats for him."
~ Gene, Vail, AZ
"Here is a picture of our Kadi.  We are so happy that someone makes treats for diabetic "babies"
~ Penny, New London, NC
"Here is a photo of "Bad Boy Bailey", our Cairn Terrier. He was just diagnosed with Diabetes a week after his 7th birthday and we are still in the process of getting his insulin regulated. Bailey is very fond of his treats and was getting really upset about the cessation of all treats except carrots. We are so thankful that we found your website. His vet thinks they are wonderful and our "Little Buddy" loves them. He tolerates the shots so he can get his treat. We have already ordered the 5 lb. bulk supply, so we could take some to his Day Care center. He even allows us to share them with his Little Sister. Thank You so much for your wonderful cookies!"
~ Saundra, Churchton, MD
"Our ANGEL is 13 yrs old and diabetic.  As a very picky eater, I had little confidence that she would like the Old Dog Cookies.  I sent the ingredients that you so kindly forwarded to our vet, and got the Ok to give to her.   She likes them!  The diabetic cookies are her treat after her shots.  THANKS for thinking, and taking care of, our much loved senior pups!
Happy Holidays."

~ Sheila, Dayton, OH

Sophie "Sophie loves the cookies, loves them too much, but most of all, the snacks don't interfere with her blood sugar levels, not too many things online that are suitable for her.  If I could only find something for her teeth, milk bones spike her sugar.  Do you know of any safe products, even some of the tooth paste contain sweeteners.  Many of the homemade recipes online use foods with a high glycemic index. She sees the vet today, her diabetes has brought her blindness.  Thanks for caring."

~ Dana, Sherman, ME

"Thank you for your email. Your company was such a life saver for me. When Hito was diagnosed with diabetes, then I was told that I had to cut out his treats, it was hard. For both of us. Then I was told about your company from one of the Techs at the Veterinarian's Office. He loves the treats. I would greatly recommend them to anyone who has a dog with diabetes."

~ Tommy, Rocky Springs, WY


"I am quite enjoying my diabetic dog cookies!  My mom adopted me in July from the pound.  I am diabetic and blind.  But I can smell and I can learn commands and these delicious cookies are surely worth sitting for!!  Thanks so much for what you do.  My mom wanted so much to find a "treat" for me that was safe, and I'm glad she found you guys!  Happy Holidays! Love – Moo"

~ Laurel, Windsor, CT

"My name is Abby. I was just diagnosed with Diabetes 3 weeks ago and love your cookies. I am hoping my  owner buys more as they are good for me and I love them. Keep up the good work. The Absters, keep barking!" 
~ Chris, Medera, CA
"This was my second order for your diabetic cookies for Sugar, my 11 year old Jack Russell.  She is a very picky eater but loves your cookies and would like to thank you for a quality product."
~ Patty, Point Pleasant, NJ
"It has been a big change since Gizmo our Pomeranian had been diagnosed with diabetes, His and our lifestyles changed overnight. He has to get two injections of insulin a day and cannot have all the treats and dog food that he was use to eating. He is now on prescription diet food which he seems to be adapting to but he was use to getting a couple treats a day and we felt bad eating in front of him so I did some research online for diabetic dog treats and came up with Old Dog Cookie Company. I ordered a small container to see if he would even like them and to our amazement he did, so I just ordered a 5 lb bag. Thanks Old Dog Cookie Company for making Gizmo's life a lot happier."

~ Bobbie Jo, Inwood, WV

"Celti absolutely loves the diabetic cookies.  She's a 14 year old Cairn Terrier who has always been extremely picky about her treats and when she was diagnosed with diabetes, her vet completely changed her diet including elimination of treats. These cookies are the only treat she can have. She actually comes to us when it's time for her insulin shot because she knows she will be rewarded with a cookie after the shot!  Just wish there were a variety of flavors.  Thanks Old Dog Cookie Company".

~ Susan, Powell, TN"

"I can only have a couple treats each day, but I REALLY love my special Diabetic Cookies...YUM!! Chloe"

~ Becky, Louisville, KY

Molly "Yes I am enjoying my Old Dog Cookies, thank - you very much. Molly"

~ Tara, Edgar, WI

"Dolly loves her Old Dog cookies.  When she was diagnosed with diabetes we stopped giving her treats, which meant that our other 2 dogs also stopped getting treats.  But now that we've found the Old Dog Cookies, all of our dogs can once again enjoy an occasional treat."

~ John & Shirley, Kittery, ME

"Butterscotch is our 9-yr-old Rat Terrier and an important member of our family (more like we're important members of her pack). She recently was diagnosed with diabetes, therefore life for her has gotten a little complicated with blood tests, frequent vet visits, insulin shots...and NO TREATS. My husband and I have no children, so Butters has filled that role. Needless to say we were concerned with her new diet. Yes I admit she was spoiled rotten with her treats before. After performing her training/tricks she would receive a treat, so wow was it heartbreaking to see her disappointment after her treats had to go away. After she obediently performed her best tricks to impress us you could see the sad puppy eyes and questions on her face when no reward came: why? What did I do wrong? Don't you still love me? Yes I'm probably being dramatic, but I felt so sad to have to stab my baby with a needle twice a day and not reward her afterward. Until now. Because of Old Dog Cookie Co. Diabetic dog treats life for her has improved. We are forever grateful for your product. Now Butters gets a treat after each shot and I've broken them up to give her when she trains. Her blood sugar continues to stay where its supposed to be, so I know it works. Most importantly, our baby girl is one happy pup! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
~ Jaqui,  Pueblo, CO
"Casey was diagnosed with Diabetes over a year ago, and has been using your cookies for at least a year. He recently was tested where the Vet advised it was the best results of any diabetic dog he has ever had. I'm not sure it was the cookies, but between the cookies and other diabetic food and care, he is still as energetic and happy as ever. Even after a year, he still comes for his shot, knowing that an Old Dog Cookie treat is coming. Thank you Old Dog Cookie Company for providing one of the items resulting in Casey's good health and happiness."
~ Dave, Morehead City, NC
Darby "Darby is almost 6 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes 3 months ago. He loves his treats and thanks to your cookies, he is able to have a few each day which makes him very happy. Thanks you very much for a product that allows us to reward our best friend and companion!!"
~ Rob and Sue, Newcastle. CA
"Our 11 year old, German Pincher, Hazy, loves her Diabetic Cookies! We discovered them at the Sandy Paws Pet Shop in Bethany Beach, DE last summer."
~ Kathy, Damascus, MD
"I am an almost twelve year old border collie and I was just diagnosed with diabetes.  "Mom" saw your web page and ordered the treats for diabetic dogs.  I sure am glad she did.  Now when I get my shot I get a treat.  Just wish they would give me more than one!!  Thank you so much for thinking about special dogs like me. Kate"
~ Penny, Stratton, NE
"Killer loves the treats.  These days he does not get too many.  He is almost 14 years old and has been diabetic for almost 2.  He still gets around great, loves to play and loves people!!!
Thanks again"
~ Danny, Lenoir, TN
Heidi Ho
"Hi, this is my Schnauzer Heidi Ho, she is 6 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes a month ago, I searched the internet for what I could give her as a treat and came across your website, I have 6 Schnauzers and they all have to have the same treat and I know that it’s okay for them too. My schnauzers have been to dog class training since they where puppy's, Heidi Ho does Agility just for fun! and I’m very proud of her and want her to have a healthy normal life as much as possible."
~ Nancy, Pleasant Unity, PA
"Emma gobbled those up in no time.  I want to buy a 5 gal. bucket.  We just need to save a little bit.  Emma is getting cataracts removed on Wednesday and will be able to see again.  We are very excited!  You will hear from us soon."
~ Linda, Helena, MT
"Casey is 14 1/2 years.  Miniature Dachshund, Red.   Healthy; no chronic problems.  He has had to have some tooth extractions."
~ Don, Glen Allen, VA
"Little Bit enjoys his cookies as a treat when he gets his two insulin shots every day. There are few treats for diabetic dogs and I am glad I found this one. He loves it."

~ Charles, Clarksville, TN

Little Bit
"Maxwell loves his Old Dog Cookies"

~ Janice, Waban, MA

"Sammy is diabetic and this is his favorite treat”

~ Joseph, Berkley, MA

"Haley enjoys the cookies, and I have attached a snap of she & I.
My only suggestion would be to make them easier to split in half.
I’m sure we will be placing a reorder shortly.Happy Holidays!"
~ Linda, Loveland, CO
"Tessie has had a rough time with her diabetes and just came through cataract and lens replacement surgery in both eyes but is dong well.  She has a litter-mate sister (Emma) who sensed that Tessie had gone blind much before we did.  Emma, in effect became her sister's "seeing eye dog," guiding her sister away from trouble spots.  It masked Tessie's blindness for a while until she fell into the pool one day and kept slipping off the sidewalk during their AM walks.  Tessie is the lighter sister."
~ Errol, Phoenix, AZ
Annie "Annie is 10 years old and although her sight is nearly gone she can still find her way to Old Dog Cookie treats.  "Daddy" has always been a soft touch for his favorite girl so when she was diagnosed with diabetes the issue of treats was a serious one.  The first weeks of her new diet were sad.  They had a routine that when"Daddy"came home from work at his restaurant at night he would have a morsel of steak or some tasty snack. I don't know who was more downhearted that there could no longer be that  treat, he or Annie.  Then we found you. I join the league of grateful Diabetic Dog Owners in a huge thank you for excellent product."
~ Sue & Tony, Palms CA
"Precious loves her Old Dog Diabetic Cookies. She gobbles one up every time she gets her shot. There aren't really any treats that are okay to give her besides the Old Dog Cookies and I am very grateful for them. Thanks!"
~ Marion, Parma OH
"Hello - Loving your old dog cookies - even though it's just Dreidel (my wonderful poodle) who has diabetes, Fleener, his baby Cairn Terrier brother is loving them too! Here is a picture of Dreidel and Fleener.  Thanks for the cookies."
~ Karen, Farmington, NM
"My little guy, Bentley was diagnosed with diabetes in July 2011.  He was put in the hospital for two days with a 50/50 chance of making it thru the first 24 hours.  He had lived a life of luxury.  Treats Galore!  He was used to having many varieties in the pantry to choose from.  Once the realization of how our lifestyle was going to change set in, we than had to battle with the treat problem.  He was used to getting a treat several times a day.  Now we had none to give him.  In the beginning he was limited to 1/2 cup of high fiber prescription food twice a day.  Boy was this a wakeup call for us.  Fortunately, after talking to a fellow dog lover like us, we were told about the Old Dog Cookie Company.  I printed out the brochure and took it to our vet.  She reviewed the ingredients and called me with approval to give Bentley these.  She actually is referring other patients to your website.  He gets one after each shot which makes that much easier as he hates to get his shots. Thank you for thinking of our special family members."
~ Mona, Chandler, NV
Cleo "Cleo loves the cookies.  She was recently diagnosed with diabetes and ketoacidosis.  Now with the strict diet, our choices are limited in terms of finding a treat that she can eat...and man she loves the old dog cookies. In fact, I need to order 4 more containers if that is possible."
~ Ken, Las Vegas, NV
"Thanks for the paws up! I love my cookies even though they are healthy for me. Sooooo Tasty!  Sure glad Mom found them online.
I am 8 years old. I am the ultimate lap dog, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  Mom keeps me trimmed up so I can play on the beach at  their retirement home up on the Oregon Coast.  Here is a picture of me right after a trip to the barbers."

~ Linda, Irvine, CA

Maggie "I  love the cookies!!  My mom was wondering if you would be interested in selling them at a local store in our area.  They have great toys and food.  I love going there with her.  She is going  to order me another box and then when she is in Maine she is going to buy a lot for me.  I am old but still ornery, Maggie"

~ Lynn, Porter, IN

"Taylor Suzanne is our 12 year old yellow lab and Morgan Nicole is her daughter.  Taylor was recently diagnosed diabetic and these are the  only treats she can have.  She has her cataract surgery tomorrow, July 13 so wish us luck!  I have attached a picture for you where you can see their  favorite college football team, the Auburn Tigers!"

~ Tami, Orlando, FL

Taylor Suzanne
Ivy "Ivy is enjoying her old dog cookies so much I would like to place another order.  I'll go on the web site and do that.
Attached is a picture of Ivy with her little sister (Olive) and her new step brother (Einstein)!"

~ Kelly, Travelers Rest, SC

"Sadie is 12 yrs old and I rescued her from the shelter when she was 1. Sadie absolutely LOVES her treats from Maine! Thank you very much for all your kindness! Sadie and I are VERY grateful!"
~ Jill, Stevenson Ranch, CA
Sherpa "Sherpa has authorized me to inform you that:Yes," he, "loves, loves, loves his Old Dog Cookies!Sherpa also wanted me to send you the link to his site:”

~ Fredric , New York, NY
"Fozzie Bear LOVES his diabetic "Old Dog" cookies...he is ten with a new diagnosis of diabetes, and was given a short time to live...he is doing fantastic at maintaining his blood sugars. PLUS, he is still able to play soccer! All thanks to his new cookies! Thank you so much! "
~ Jackie, North Sutton, NH
Asherah "My name is Asherah.  I'm an 11 year old female Canaan Dog.  Two months ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes.  I need to take an insulin injection twice a day.  Knowing that I will receive and Old Dog Diabetic Cookie after my shot makes the shot easier. Licks & Wags."
~  Marcia, Aurora, IL
"Tuffy loves his cookies. Although he is on a diabetic diet these cookies have helped get his glucose level down even better. Even his eye checkup (he's had cataract surgery) was good this time. At almost eleven years old he is doing great. I had been searching for a long time for proper treats for him. As you can see from his picture  he is "guarding" his cookies!"

~ Carolyn, Tigard, OR

Kimba "Kimba continues to enjoy her Diabetic cookies.  Thanks for making them available.Attached is a photo of her after she munched down a few..see the smile?"

~ Barry, Potomac, MD

"Yappy yap yap!! Mercedes says she loves her Old Dog Cookies. It was hard for her when we first found out she had diabetes. She was used to have "people" cookies but then we found out how bad they were for her. She is adjusting very well to her new diet and is very happy that there is a cookie out there that she is allowed to have as a treat every once in a while... Thank you!"

~ Barbara, Eagleville, PA

"I loved my "Old Dog Diabetic Cookies".  Did you notice that I used the past tense. Next order is going to have to be a larger one.... They were delicious but didn't last long enough. Finding a treat that a diabetic dog like me can safely eat has been hard to do, until now. 

I am a 9 year old Tibetan Terrier with a clipped short, warm weather hair cut. My long hair is just too much when the warm weather starts. I was a rescue but now have a forever home filled with love, belly rubs and now, of course, "Old Dog Diabetic Cookies". My mom and dad also say "thank you" for such an excellent product. Buddy"

~ Neil, Newport, NC
"I love the cookies  they are good for me  thanks for cooking them.  I sent 3 pictures, the first is how I act after eating your cookies, the next is me just chillin, then I have to watch for my mama's grand daughter get off the school bus hope you like them Scoobie 2"

~ Avis, Meraux, LA

"Our veterinary ophthalmologist recommended Old Dog Diabetic Cookies to us for our 11 year old Lab, Abby.  We were so pleased to find a treat that she could have that would not affect her blood sugar and we could give without guilt.  She loves the cookies and anxiously awaits her treat after her medicine.."
~ Donald, Santa Maria, CA
Misty "Misty loves her diabetic cookies - thank you.  She has a small piece every night at 10 before bed time.  At Christmas her cousin - Nutmeg the 5 year old westie came to stay. Nutmeg loved them too even though she is allowed to eat normal cookies. As Misty is only 2 I'm sure we will be back for many more cookies for many years to come."
~ Mandy, New York, NY
"Missy is 4 years old and she loves everyone and thinks everyone loves her. She loves the diabetic cookies, she gets 2 a day when she gets her insulin shot. I have told my vet about your products and he said that they were good to give her."
~ Georgianna, Middleville, NJ
"Dylan LOVES his diabetic treats.  I love knowing I'm giving him something wholesome and natural... we both win!  I also bought a container of your arthritis treats for a doggie friend and she loves them too!  Here's a photo of Dylan after eating a treat.  He's pretty happy."
~ Matthew, South Portland, ME
"Ty, my American Eskimo age 7, loves his ODCs!  He was diagnosed with diabetes 7 weeks ago and had successful cataract surgery on both eyes 3 weeks ago.  His plastic e-collar was just removed, so now he can enjoy eating a whole cookie without my having to feed him small pieces.  I give him several throughout the day to help regulate his glucose levels.  Old Dog Diabetic Cookies will always be in the house for Ty.  Thanks for a unique and wonderful treat for diabetic dogs!"
~ Season, Pine Mountain, GA
Casey "We use your cookies as a treat to take his insulin shots. After 1 1/2 boxes of them, he still comes running for his "treat" even knowing he is getting a shot. Thanks again."
~ Dave, Morehead City, NC
"Carson has indeed enjoyed his cookies from 'Old Dog Cookie Co.'  The diabetic cookies is what he needed. He is a little cookie monster and was limited to what he can eat.  He is now one happy camper. His little buddy Charley (not diabetic) enjoys them too. Thanks you guys are the BEST!"
~ Eleonore, Dallas, TX
Eddy "Eddie just loves his new treats. We are still in a window of getting him regulated. But doing well. We are so happy to know that we have something out there that is good for him.
Thanks you for thinking of us."
~ JJ, Austin, TX
"You guys have always given outstanding customer service to us so I wanted to make sure you were paid and quickly! :-) Your cookies are just amazing and we really appreciate all the work and love you put into your products. Squirt is losing her sight and is just about completely blind, it happened so incredibly fast, so she looks forward to her cookie even more now. You can see her nose just go crazy twitching around when I open the lid to her cookie jar. I hope you know how much better you have made the lives of so many animals and their owners!!!! I can't imagine my life without Squirty and I really, truly believe that your cookies have helped regulate her levels therefore giving her a longer and more enriched life!!! Thanks again for everything!!!!!!!!"
~ Rachel, Billy & Squirty, Flower Mound , TX
"This is my little Abby she is 11 years old and weighs just a little over 7 pounds and will 12 in December 2010. She became a diabetic last October and I started looking on the web to find her some treats she could have. I came across the Great Old Dog Company and I right away order the cookies and she loves them! I ask our vet about them, and she said they were find for her to have...and to see what the tasted like the gal that groom Abby and I both ate some of the cookies and you know what they tasted great!
Thank you for making a treat our little ones can eat and still be healthy!
I just place an order she just can't be with out her cookies! I always give her a small piece after she has had her shot in the morning!and a few piece's through out the day!Thank you so very much!"
~ Christie, Las Vegas NV
"Bailey was recently diagnosed with canine diabetes and unfortunately it is a rather severe case.  Good news is that it was caught early.  We have had to rethink all food and treats for not just Bailey but our other dog Mae.  As you know it's much better if everyone eats the same thing! Both Bailey and Mae LOVE your Old Dog Diabetic Cookies so now I order in bulk.  Thanks for making such a healthy and tasty treat."
~ Juli, Las Vegas, NV
"Addie wanted me to let you know that she loves the treats. However she is wondering if you plan to make the treats any softer. Sometimes she has a hard time with biting the hard treats. Thanks so much for the communication. We love companies like yours."
~ Anne, Middlebury, CT
"KIKO really enjoys the Diabetic Cookies, he is very happy with the new treat,  he really looks forward  to every afternoon  for his cookies. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
~ Blanca, Miami, FL
"I am loving my Old Dog Cookies.  I am a very picky eater and my people were very happy that I like these cookies.  I was just recently diagnosed with Diabetes, so this is a nice morning treat for me. Woof, Woof....Willow"
~ Kathleen, Highlands Ranch, CO
"This is Joey, my best friend.  He's 9 years old and was recently diagnosed with diabetes.  I scrambled to find a treat he could safely eat.  Thank goodness I found your site.  He loves his new cookies even more than the loved the old ones.  But home made is so much more delicious than store bought!" 
~ Roseanne, Staten Island, NY
"Thank you for checking with us. Dappy loves her cookies. She was extremely overweight (up to 19 lbs at one point) after developing diabetes and a very strick diet; she is down to 13 lbs now and her glucose is back to normal with the insulin. I am so happy that she has a treat now that not only does she like; and is also good for her. We will be ordering more shortly. Thanks for thinking of us!" 
~ Linda, Goodman, MO
"Max loves his dog cookies, thanks so much!"
~ Tami, Oxford, CT
"This is Ditto.  His registered name is (Opps I Did It Again)  We have had him for eight years.  He has developed diabetes.  I am having to be so careful with him and your cookies enables me to give him a treat and not worry about how much sugar they contain.  His little companion (Dog pound rescue) also loves them. He is a year and a half old." 
~ Dolores, Medina OH
"Zach loves the cookies.  Not to mention my other 7 dogs.  I've attached a picture of him.  He's just recently been diagnosed with diabetes and I researched and found your diabetic cookies.  Thanks so much!"
~ Lori Lee, Darlington, SC
"WOOOF! I love my cookies..and this time I got a VERY BIG bag!!!.  Here is my picture. (my nickname is "Bug" or Bugazoo, which came from my mommies calling me "lovebug!") 
My mommies say thank you, too..they love it now that they can give me a special treat after my meals!!
 ~ xxoxox ANGEL"  Rhonda, North Hollywood, CA
"I love my cookies and I look forward to getting a treat each day!  Keep em coming. Your pal, Mickey"
~ Sharon, Erie, PA
"Mejon really loves the Old Dog Diabetic Cookies.  I am so  pleased, because he is so finicky when it comes to treats and since his diagnosis of diabetes mellitus he has had a hard time adjusting to the new diet.  He adapted to Old Dog Cookie Diabetic Cookies on first bite, we both thank you."
~ Sara, Moreno, CA
"Mako absolutely loves his cookies."
~ Mark, N. Kansas City, MO
"Duke received his first order of arthritis relief cookies today and like I have done in the past with Duke and our beloved Morgan, I am sending you a picture of him opening his package.  As you can see, he can't wait.  He used to share Morgan's diabetic cookies with him, but now he has his own all to himself.  Nothing makes him happier than cookies.  I'm sure these will be every bit as helpful to him as the diabetic cookies were for our Morgan. Thank you again for all your kindness during our loss of our  precious Morgan. Duke says, Thank you for his cookies..........Woof, Woof!! 

~ Diana ,Enfield, CT
"I am enjoying my Old Dog Cookies.  This way I get a treat when all my "housemates" do, and don't have to listen to them crunching their treats, while I have none!

Mom says it would be fun to have a picture of me on your website, so she is sending one.  I am an Australian Kelpie, and herd sheep and cattle.  I am 21 months old, and staying pretty healthy, considering my diabetes. 

Thank you again for making treats for a dog like me .  . . Solo"

~ Carol, Wilsonville, OR
"Millie loves her cookies!! We'll be ordering more soon. Thank you for following up. I've attached a picture of Millie. Thanks"
~ Ed, Garden City, NY
"On behalf of Maximas J. Gibson, I would like to say that he loves them!  For the past (7) years he would receive a Milk Bone after breakfast and dinner and throughout the day he would receive (2) Milk Bone bite size treats.  So needless to say, in January when he was diagnosed with diabetes we had to cut way down on his carbs and of course he didn't understand why.  When I "Googled" treats for diabetic dogs and found your website, I decided to give them a try.

They're cut a little large, so I break them into smaller pieces, but that works fine for Maxx because then he feels like he has more.  He's set to go back for a glucose check soon and I'm excited to find out how well he's maintaining his sugar level since he's been eating them."

~ Lorraine, Marietta, GA
"Sammy loves the treats. Thank you. I will definitely be ordering more."
~ Allyson, Denver, CO
"I just ordered my second five-pounds of diabetic cookies for my diabetic dog Oliver.  My non-diabetic dog loves them too.  My husband even eats your cookies, even though I ask him to stop and save them for Oliver!  Any idea on how to get him to quit eating them??  :-)

Here's Oliver and Howard:  (Oli is the one with the curly shaggy ears and mustache)"

~ Ariel, San Francisco, CA

"Jeter, our 9 year old Miniature Schnauzer was diagnosed with diabetes as well as Cushing’s disease on Nov. 24th, 2009. I immediately started doing research on canine Diabetes and on some blog, found a link to the Old Dog Cookie Company. I learned very fast that diabetes, and to some degree Cushing’s disease can be controlled by diet. Jeter was always fed a good diet, but he now enjoys a strict diet of chicken, lean beef, oatmeal, broccoli, green beans, brown rice and his beloved treats from Old Dog Cookie Company.

Our Christmas this past year was not filled with joy, but rather sadness as we watched Jeter go blind between Dec. 28th and Dec31st due to his diabetes. Once again we were devastated. However, on January 8th, Jeter had double cataract surgery. His eyesight was immediately restored as we were very lucky to have one of the best canine eye surgeons, Dr. Sapienza, perform the operation. Jeter has since recovered fully from surgery, sees as good as he ever has and his diabetes is under control. He loves getting his treats from Old Dog Cookie Company and I will continue to order as long as he remains with us. I just want to thank everyone at Old Dog Cookie Company for caring enough to make a dog treat just for diabetic dogs, you are lifesavers! These are the ONLY treats Jeter gets and he loves them. Thank you so much. Jeter says he loves you all!" 

~ Norman, Hickville, NY
"I am really enjoying my cookies. They have even helped me shed a few inches. Please find attached a photo of me and my stuffed monkey. Please keep making your cookies.
~ Brooke, Orlando, FL
Annie and Sally
"Annie & Sally both love their new treats, and my vet is happy with the ingredients.  Sally is 13 with arthritis, and Annie is 7, with diabetes. These treats help keep them healthy - and happy!!   I'll be placing another order."
~ Lynn, Flint, TX
"We had a December 24th blizzard here in Oklahoma City, so unfortunately the cookies didn't make it until the 26th. That was okay with Lucy because she absolutely loves them!! I am so glad I found your site and cookies because I haven't been able to give her any treats since we found out she had diabetes last year"
~ Shane, Oklahoma City, OK
"He is a 9 year old mixed breed.  December 2008, he acquired dietetics.  He receives 2 shots daily of insulin, and is now on restricted diet.   In the past 3/4 months, his eye sight is dimming.  He is the son of the "original" Brownie who was "more" than a family member.  Young Brownie soon earned his place place in the family.  He is pampered, and loved by a family of 4."
~ Peggy, Farmington, MO
"Skipper enjoys the cookies. They are quite crunchy so it takes her more than a few bites to eat it. Also my 6 pet rats love them as well.  Its good to know the treats are natural and not filled with junk."
~ Anna, Bristow, VA
"Kia loves her treats from Old Dog Cookie Company.  It's great to know we can give her the diabetic treats and they are good for her.  Thanks so much for caring about our "Old Dog", Kia, who is diabetic." 
~ Megan, Streetsboro, OH
"Honey loves her cookies.  She gets a cookie with her insulin shot every 12 hours." 
~ Christine, Lafayette, LA
Hunter loves the cookies!  He waits eagerly for one when I have to leave for work. Since changing his diet and his treats, I have been able to reduce his Vetsulin from 16 units to 9 units. He's willing to take the shots without a fuss because he gets a treat as a reward! He's a Lhasa Apso, but a big boy at 25 pounds.  He's very spoiled, but loves everyone!"
~ Judy, Winter Springs, FL
"Squirt is still doing amazingly well. We have not had to adjust her insulin in a long while. I want to say thank you for making her quality of life so much better. She gets so sick of the same food day in and day out with no more of her previous treats. However she loves your cookies!!!!!!!!! I don't think she misses her old treats at all as long as she has her diabetic cookies. I'm passing some pictures along to you to show you just how in love with these cookies she is. When I give her one, if she doesn't chomp it up right away, she will lay down beside the cookie and cover it with her paw so no one else gets it and then will fall asleep. The funny part is we have no other dogs, she's just afraid her daddy will get it from her. She also knows when UPS is at the door with her cookies. She howls and "talks" until I can get the box open and give her a cookie. It's so cute!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!!"
~ Rachel, Flower Mound, TX
"Cody LOVES the doggie cookies. It's a great treat for him in the afternoon...and they don't play with his glucose numbers. Thanks for making a great treat for our dear doggie."
~ Debra, South Elgin, IL
"My owner just made a second order for your diabetic cookies, and this time we got the big bag! I really do love the cookies. They are a good treat for me to have, and they let me know I am loved. Because of my diabetes, I have lost my eyesight and I am now blind, so treats are something I have to be careful about eating. Thank you for baking a cookie especially for me. By the way, they are very tasty and easy to crunch up; I recommend them to all my other dog friends. Buck."
~ Donna, Graham, TX
"Mickey loves the cookies. He has one twice a day after he gets his shots.  Thanks"
~ Betsy, Killingworth, CT
"When the cookies arrived,  Couldn't wait to give one to our Mitzy.  She wouldn't eat it.  I was so disappointed, I just couldn't email you......Then I began to think....everything Mitzy was use to eating was taken away from her all of a sudden.  It has been a month now. So yesterday we tried a cookie and she ate 3.  We are still trying to get her numbers level.  But now maybe things will turn around." 
~ Cora, Selbyville, DE
Morgan and Duke
"Thank you for the cookies, they arrived safely today. I always let my "boys" open them and thought you would like to see how eager they are.

Thanks again, Morgan and Duke"

~ Diana, Enfield, CT 
"Billie was seventeen last week and has kidney trouble so your cookies are about the only treat she can have...   Good news is that she loves them...  We thank you!"
~ Nancy, Los Osos, CA
"I have a 6 year old Weimaraner who was just diagnosed with Diabetes 7 months ago. I just wanted to say thank you for your phone call and sending me the ingredients in your cookies.  I brought it to my Vet and she said that All people should eat these type of ingredients!  Needless to say, I ordered your Diabetic dog cookies and Gracie has been so happy with them!  It has made a world of difference to finally being able to give her a treat after each one of her insulin shots.  Plus, whenever she just looking for a snack!  It is such a pleasure to give her something that I know is good for her and will NOT disturb her sugar levels. Thank you so much for putting so much effort  in to making your wonderful product!"
~ Amy, West Islip, NY
"When I found out that Jed, my 16 yr old Lab-Husky mix had diabetes, I was shocked. Especially when I found out he had to have 2 shots a day and I needed to watch what he ate, even his treats. It took some getting used to, so when I went on an Internet search for diabetic treats, voila! I found ODC Company. Yea! Jed is now stable and really happy he gets ODCs. It makes shot time much more bearable. Thanks for helping keep Jed (and his mama) healthy and happy!"
~ Erin, Riverside, California
"Moonpai loves her new cookies!!!! She can't wait for her shot she knows she will get a treat!
Thank you very much my mommy was worried she would never find me treats!!"
~ Jamie, Phoenix, AZ
"Brady was diagnosed in the past month with diabetes.  Although the diagnosis was a shock and an "oh no" moment for us I immediately jumped into learning all I could about this disease and how I could best take care of my boy. During my research I came across your diabetic dog cookies and decided to give them a try. What I liked was that when I read the ingredients I could tell exactly what was in the cookies. Brady absolutely loves them! Brady also has a 12 yr old brother named Baxter (who is not diabetic), but we give him the treats as well. He too gobbles them up Brady is the yellow lab and is 5 1/2 years old and Baxter is the black lab and will be 12 in July."
~ Robin , Ashland, MA
Brady and Baxter
Brady is the yellow lab and Baxter is the black lab
"Pooh does enjoy them when she is for sure she's not getting any diabetic homemade food. Lol. She always weighs her options first haha. She is our girl that's for sure. If you have any other diabetic treats or chew things that would be great. 
~ Tammy , Findlay, OH
"This was me before my mom got me my own special arthritis cookies. My brother Toby had his special diabetic cookies and mom was so happy with them that when I started having trouble getting around she got me my own cookies. (I am 12 you know and I deserve special cookies too!) I am so happy now I run up and down these stairs. Tristan"
~ Connie, Mount Joy, PA
Peppy and Hershey "Peppy (diabetic white toy poodle) & Hershey (red toy poodle) can't wait to get more cookies in the mail!!!!!  They send their love, licks and barks. Please don't ever stop making such a great cookie.One happy pet owner."
~ Carolyn, Birdsboro, PA
"We receive your cookies and right out of the box, both of my furry kids (Winston, 11 yrs and Oreo, 1 yr. old) loved them. Winston was just diagnosed with diabetes two weeks ago and is now on a strict diet and one insulin shot a day. Needless to say he loved all his treats, especially his chicken jerky. But now he can't have most of them, so I had to find something he would enjoy. I was skeptical about him liking your cookies, but was pleasantly surprised. Oreo decided she liked them also, so that was a plus. Attached please find their pictures and they thank you very much and want me to order more in the future, so that will be soon. Thanks and appreciate." 
~ Joan, Lascassas, TX
"Here is a picture of me from Christmas 2008.  I was very happy and am newly diabetic.  I LOVE my treats and look forward to them every day! Orson"
~ Ray, Knoxville, TN
"Here I am with my mom while vacationing in Smokey Mtns. We had a great time except when I had to stay home one night while my mom went out to dinner.I didn't want to stay in my new portable cage, so I jumped around so much that it got twisted and tangled so I couldn't move. I managed to get the zipper open and jumped out. Since I was scared and angry for being left alone in a strange place, I pooped on the rug. This was all before I had bladder surgery and they removed 3 boulders from my bladder. I sure felt a lot lighter after that. Shortly after that trauma, I started getting sick again. I kept getting bladder infections almost every month for about a year until one day I was very sick. I threw up blood and lost 10 lbs. I had to go to the hospital. I stayed for 3 days. That is when I found out I was diabetic. Its not so bad now that I'm starting to feel a lot better.I sure am glad they finally figured out what my problem was because I was making a big mess on my moms carpet and blankets. I thought I was on my way out the door. Well I can't have any more of my yummy snacks because of the sugar but at least my mom discovered Old Dog diabetic snacks. My mom is great. She and the Old Dog are quite a pair. I love them both so much. Grinneta"
~ Sandy, Indianapolis, IN
"I am an older Poodle... coming on 10 in a couple of months.  When I was first diagnosed with Diabetes and Cushing's Disease just over a year ago, my mom and dad didn't know what to give me when I went to the cookie closet.  Having found your biscuits... they have been able to add them to my diet, without guilt, as my "after meal snack"... and I get 3 meals a day!  All my doctors approved... so we are ALL  HAPPY... especially ME!!!   I just wanted to tell you how much you  have helped me by making a cookie that I can not only enjoy... but that is also good for me!  Thank You soooo Much... and PLEASE... KEEP BAKING!!! With many sincere smiles and tail wags I thank you once again, Millie.
~ Paulette, Little Silver, NJ
"Fiona is loving her diabetic dog treats.  She was recently diagnosed with Cushings and developed diabetes as a result of it.  We finally have her blood sugar stabilized and your treats are ensuring that she doesn't fluctuate too much.  Thank you so much for making these wonderful dog cookies.  They smell so good, I'm tempted to try them!"
~ Rosemary, Beltsville, MD
"I'm a 9 year old Mini Schnauzer.  My dad had been giving me all kinds of people snacks for years.  When I was diagnosed with diabetes, all that came to a crashing halt along with my regular dog biscuits!!  NO FAIR!  My mom now has me eating healthy meals and my insulin is finally helping.  Then one day Mom surprised me with my new "cookies".  YUM!  I'm so glad that my mom is good at finding things on the internet.  She promised to order me some more before they run out! Sammy"
~ Nancy, Aledo, TX
"Thanks so much for the delicious cookies... I have been enjoying them since Mom stopped my other treats.. She said I am such a good boy for coming every time I go out.. because I am promised a "cookie"... I have never had a "cookie" before!!!

My eyesight is fading and I tend to wander around the backyard a bit.. getting lost in all the smells.. but when Mom reminds me that a "cookie" is waiting.. I bound for the back door!- Mickey"

~ Kelly, Methuen, MA
"Bella really likes the cookies.  They have become one of her favorites."
~ Kristin, Sterling Heights, MI
"I really enjoy the Old dog Cookies. Sometimes more than at other times. I like them the most after a meal. Then my "Best Buddy", Bill (he thinks he's tricking me,but he isn't at all) breaks a couple and places them before me, and as I reach down to take one he gives me my shot. Well, I stop but I don't cause any commotion, 'cause the shot really is minor and I want to get down to more serious business eating your cookies. Here I am watching the Westminster Dog Show. -Tuffy"
~ William, Birmingham, ALee!
Harley "The diabetic cookies have been a lifesaver for him and for me.  My heart was broken at the thought of cutting out his beloved treats, but when I found your cookies I had hope.  Sure enough, he absolutely loves them, and he hasn't even missed the old ones.  Just the anticipation of the cookies make injection time better, and I feel good knowing that the cookies are good for him.  I took them to the vet to make sure they would be okay, and she passed them with flying colors.  I just made another order for 6 boxes.  Thank you for providing a product that is healthy and delicious.  Harley and I are very grateful."
~ Donna, Semmes, AL
Duke loves to open presents at Christmas.  He was looking for your cookies and only found a pair of socks! Tee Hee!"
~ Tanya,Windsor, CO.
Murphy, Mia and Molly "Murphy & Molly all enjoy their Old Dog Diabetic Cookies.  Molly, is our female Westie that is diabetic, but Murphy enjoys them too.  Not sure about Mia, she isn't saying much nowadays." 
~ Lynne, Johnstown, PA
"My Toby was diagnosed with diabetes due to an extended use of prednisolone. Wanting to do all I could, I started searching the internet for safe treats to give him and came across Old Dog Cookies. You have been a God send to both of us! He loves your cookies and runs to the kitchen to get his cookie after having his ear tested for his blood sugar. I have been so pleased with the diabetic cookies that I have recommended your treats to my sister and friends who have arthritic dogs. We all thank you for dedication to dogs and healthful treats!"
~ Connie, Mount Joy, PA
Max "Hi, I am Max, and was diagnosed with diabetes only a few weeks ago. Suddenly my happy life was turned upside down.  In and out of the vets office, having to pee in a bowl, take those awful shots twice a day, and worst of all my Mom took all my treats away!!!!  I kept asking, how could this happen to me I've always been a good dog?  And then, only yesterday, the UPS man left a package of your diabetic dog cookies at my door, and life seemed so much better!  How can I ever thank you for bring some joy back into my life.  Your cookies are just wonderfully delicious.  I am ever so grateful to you for making treats that are good for me, and my diabetes."

PS:  My Mom is very grateful too, as she was feeling badly about my situation.  So you made her life better too.  Thanks! 

~ Mary, Carmel, NY
"Roxi is doing great and she loves the cookies. Thank you so much. Your website is very informative."
~ Kerri, Steamboat Springs, CO
Nicholas "I'm loving my diabetic cookies--the twice daily shots not that much! My mother tries everything to get me to let her give me the shots without the help of our neighbor. Even the promise of an Old Dog cookie afterward doesn't convince me to do that. She always gives me the special cookies throughout the day if I've been a good boy--sometimes I'm good, sometimes not! I can usually get a cookie whether I've been good or not! She thinks I'm a very special boy--I do exactly as I please. People say I'm spoiled but I think as a Cavalier it's just part of my nature. Nicholas"
~ Bonnie, Lamar, TX
"He loves them!? We just adopted him less than three weeks ago and wanted to be ready with some treats that would be safe for his diabetic condition. ?Thanks so much! ?Here's our beautiful boy, Harley" 
~ Susan, Cave Creek, AZ
Lil Bit
"Lil Bit was diagnosed with diabetes in April 2005, I immediately went online to locate a healthy treat she could have.  When I found your web site I was so thrilled that I ordered a container and was pleased to see that she went crazy over them.  It makes giving her an insulin injection a little easier because she knows she will get her favorite treat afterwards.  Whatever is in those cookies she sure does love them.  We have been ordering your cookies ever since and will continue to do so, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
~ Bianca, Metairie, LA
"Love my has been an adjustment to get used to my diet as a newly diagnosed diabetic. But feeling lots better and the treats are helpful."
~ Bonnie, Tega Cay, SC
"Casey" at the Bat IV. This little sweet heart, a 12 year old Yorkie was diagnosed July, 2008 with diabetes. I cried the day I found out I would have to administer shots twice a day. Once I realized I had to somehow come up with a way to give him healthy treats I started searching the internet and found your cookies.  I checked the ingredients, took a copy of your pamphlet to my Vet, and he gave me okay.  Although they are a little too hard for him we have found a work around…I break them up and soak them in warm water until they sink to the bottom of the bowl.  He has learned in a very short time that after the dreaded shot he gets a delicious treat that’s good for him. As soon as we have a successful session he starts bouncing around, wagging his tail and running to the kitchen.  Your cookies have made this time of day more bearable for him and me.  THANK YOU! so much for your dedication for making our four legged loved ones healthier and happier. Now if someone out there will just make a canine insulin pill life would be even better!!" 
~ Pam, Lawrenceville, GA
"Niko is enjoying his diabetic dog cookies very much!  Thank you so much for making them!"
~ Betsy, New Bedford , MA
"I love my cookies!  My brother Broyhill & sister New Puppy get regular treats and because of my diabetes,  I didn't think I would have the chance to have treats again.  I was really sad, but then my mom looked up Old Dog Cookie Company online and found some wonderful treats for me!   Even though I am blind, when the Old Dog Cookies are opened, I make my way as fast as I can to the kitchen for a treat!  Thanks,  for making diabetic cookies to keep me healthy and happy!" 
~ Tracy, Tucson, AZ
"Sammie loves her cookies. Sammie is an 11 year old mix breed who was diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago. She gets 9 units of Vetsulin twice a day after each meal, which is prescription food. That along with our daily routine of walking and exercising Sammie has been doing great. She has always loved her cookies and treats ever since she was a puppy and I was so glad when I found your healthy treats. Now I know she is getting treats that are truly good for her which will help in keeping her blood sugar levels regulated. I will be telling my Vet and all my fellow dog lovers about your company." 
~ Steve, Denver , CO
GiGi is a diabetic dog that I've been fostering for almost a year now.  She seems to be hungry 24/7, I'm sure due to her condition.  But once she started getting her Old Dog Cookie treats for diabetics, she seemed so much more satisfied and wasn't always begging for more.  She absolutely loves these treats,  and sometimes I try giving her only half of one, but she knows there's another half she's due, and goes into her cute little begging routine, and I of course give her the second half.  I love them because I don't have to read the ingredients and hope they are okay for her to eat. Thank you for making my life easier, and for making GiGi's tummy more full!" 
~ Cathy, Oceanside, CA
"Rascal (aka Fuzzy Bear) is a 13.5 year old Chow/Newfoundland mix that we rescued from a pound in Danbury, CT when he was about 6-9 months old.  Believe me he is appropriately named because of his antics. RascalAnyway about a year ago Rascal came down with diabetes. He currently receives 18 units twice a day of Vetsulin that he is extremely stable on.  One of the biggest problems that we had as a result of the diabetes was we could no longer give him his cookie treats.  In our house 8:30 every evening it's cookie time with all of our dogs. It's a comedy to see 3 dogs (2 males at 70 lbs and 1 female at 44 lbs) forming a semicircle in front of my chair jockeying for position until I tell them to park it and then no one moves a muscle (except for the floor full of drool) until they get their cookies. 

Luckily, our vet in Danbury carried your Diabetic Cookies which have been wonderful for Rascal. It allows him to participate in cookie time which he has always loved and gives me peace of mind knowing that what he is getting will not harm him.  At 13.5 Rascal is truly an old dog that I hope will be with us for many years to come thanks to products like yours.

We relocated to Mobile, AL a month ago and no one here knows of your product. Since then I have told our new vet and 3 local pet supply centers about your products in hopes that other people who truly care for their pets have good solutions for their needs.Again, thank you for such a great product."

~ Norman & Deborah, AL
"Love my new dog biscuits -- the diabetes took away my eyesight but not my ability to smell and scarf-down yummy treats...I do my "happy bark" when we come back from our walk to remind her it's time for a treat (which is all of the time, as far as I'm concerned).  Sure glad my mom found your site.Molly"
~ Therese, Sunnyvale, CA
"I LOVE YOUR COOKIES!!!!!! Thank you so much for making cookies that I can eat. I love kidney beans and green beans but I need the crunch! In the past when my mommy or daddy gave me a cookie I would go hide it in the house and not eat it right away but with these cookies I eat them immediately and enjoy every bite. In fact my Uncle Mickey (Yorkie) loves the cookies and he doesn't have diabetes. I think my gramma is going to order him some cookies. Thank you again for my wonderful yummy cookies that makes me healthy. Oh, my mommy and my daddy thanks you too. Sammie"
~ Erin Aurora, IL
"Oscar Loooves his cookies. Even though he does not have too many teeth left he still manages to eat them with no problem. He doesn’t even mind his insulin shots because he know he is going to get a cookie afterwards. Here is a picture of my old guy….he is 10 ½ years old and was diagnosed with diabetes in May of this year. I was really sad he could not enjoy his cookie anymore but that all changed when I found your website. Now he does not feel left out when his brothers and sisters are having their cookies."
~ Ana, Miami, FL
"I have 2 Pugs. The male( Gremlin) was diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago. He is on insulin and being fed a half homecooked diet. I was looking for a good treat biscuit and my daughter found your brochure somewhere. He likes them and so does his sister ( Zoey) but they would still prefer an oblate or a hamburger! ha!"
~ Robyn, Statington, PA
Gremlin and Zoey
"I would sure love for you to put me on your website sometime. I am 8 years young and almost "kicked the bucket" with pancreatitis but some great docs pulled me through.  I have a set of new lenses in my eyes (cataracts from the darn diabetes) and I LOVE my new treats. Between you and me, my owner doesn't give me near enough of them. Well thanks for making those great treats. Gotta go get one....bye - Gideon" 
~ VB, Coral Gables, FL
"Baxter has always liked chewing a lot.  His favorite crunchy snack used to be raw carrot -- now a no-no because it is too much carb.  We couldn't find any snack that was all right for a diabetic dog and had that CRUNCH  he obviously craves.  Then we visited a dog eye-doctor to get his diabetic cataracts treated  and were introduced to Old Dog Diabetic Cookies.  Baxter really likes these crunchy crackers, they seem to fulfill his craving for crunch and also shut down that between-meal appetite, and it is a relief to know that the cookies are good for him"
~ Patricia, Santa Barbara, CA
"We love your cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
~ Tabitha, Temple, PA
I LOVE my Old Dog Cookies!  Between my vet recommended diet and your wonderful Old Dog Diabetic Cookie treats my sugar levels have come down and leveled off!  My human pack has actually been able to cut back on my insulin usage and that's straight from the doggie's mouth!   WOOF!

Thanks for making such a great and tasty treat for me.  Finally I get to eat a high quality and tasty 'doggie' treat that actually helps lower my sugar levels and makes me feel GREAT!"

~ Richard, South Amboy, NJ
"Since discovering your Cookies we now have something to give as a treat to our 7 yr. old Choc. Lab who was found to have Diabetes several months ago. She loves them and looks forward to one after her shots and we can feel safe knowing there is nothing that will harm her in them.  We thank you as does Missy."
~ Don, Lockport, NY
"Maddy loves the cookies - she gobbles it up in one bite with her tiny little mouth, quite a feat!
~ Jennifer, Las Cruces, NM
"I am ordering a 5lb bag. J.T. loves them."
~ Beverlie, Watsonville, CA
"Our dear companion and friend passed away last Tuesday. You have been providing her with diabetic cookies for several years and we owe a debt of gratitude and thanks to you. Harley had a large mass in her that was closing her esophagus and she passed away Tuesday. 
She could not eat her last few days; however, she enjoyed your diabetic cookies up until the day before she passed. She was a real trooper and she left us just like a real lady leaves the room. We are missing her tremendously and will always remember that you made her life with diabetes a more pleasant one. We will never forget the look of excitement on her face every time we would go to the cabinet to get one of your cookies for her to enjoy. Thank you so much for helping Harley through the years."
~ Teresa and Hamp, Lyons, GA
"Cole says, "THANK YOU" for making sure that he can have treats again! I was having a hard time adjusting to the sad look when he realized that treats were a thing of the past!" 

~ Renata, Chicago, IL
"I was happy to find a safe & healthy treat for my diabetic girl.  She loves them along with all her kiddos.  Since they all like to share ~ I was glad to know they are also good for those without any diabetic issues.I will be ordering more soon!  Thanks!!!!"
~ Cori, Arlington, TX
"I am really enjoying my cookies.  I will be ordering more soon.  They are great cookies! Rosie"
~ Kris, Ardsley, NY
"This is our 10 yr. old min pin Crystal on the left and her cousin Rascal on the right. Crystal loves the diabetic cookies. She was diagnosed a couple of months ago. She doesn't mind the shots at all because she knows she gets a cookie after it. I gave my vets office your web address and phone number also because they said they didn't know of any co. that sold diabetic dog treats and many clients had asked them.Thank you for the great treats."
~ Nancy , MA
Crystal and Rascal
"Tina loves the diabetic cookies--we will definitely be ordering from you on a regular basis.  I was so glad to find a product that she can enjoy.  Tina is 8 years old, and has had diabetes for a year.  She is on a diet of ground turkey (cooked) and raw broccoli.  She has developed cataracts, but still does OK getting around."
~ Susan, Denver, CO
"My name is Boogie Boy and I found out 6 months ago that i have diabetes. I was very sad when my mom took away all the snacks and said that they were no longer good for me. Then one day she decided to check out your website and found out that she could buy me some new snacks. After checking with our vet, she placed an order. I was so excited when they came in and she told me i could have snacks again !! And boy, did they taste great. I find her everyday to let her know when its time for my shots and snacks, I don't want her to forget. I used to be 11 lbs, but with my new snacks and my vetsulin, I have lost the extra weight and now weigh a normal weight of 7 lbs. I feel so much better and now i am able to run and play again. Thanks for helping me feel good again and enjoy life with your snacks... (This is my before and after pictures)  Thanks again"
~ Wendy, Goodyear, AZ
"I can't tell you how excited we were to locate these cookies for our Puggie.  It was quite a surprise to learn that he was diabetic.  It must be a coincidence because I have been a diabetic for 42 years.  I did not believe how hard it was to find diabetic treats for dogs, but I sure am glad that my son located your company.  Puggie really loves his treats and I have even informed my vet about your company.  Thank you again for being there.  I will be ordering more of these wonderful treats when these are almost gone.  I do not want to be without them and I don't think Puggie does either."
~ Susan, Mint Hill, NC
"This is a picture of our Max, he is almost 10 yrs. old and he just loves your diabetic cookies and thanks you for making them just for him."
~ Sharon, Fort Edwards, NY
"Macie seems to love the cookies except she doesn't have alot of teeth so she is having difficulty eating them.  I adopted her and she was a puppy momma and done nothing but have puppies and she is just 4 years old so she has missed out on alot of puppy stuff.  The diabetic cookies that I ordered for macie's friend - scarlet she loves them she could not eat the treats you get elsewhere.  I am so glad I found your website" 
~ Pat
"Fred is my 11 year old miniature pinscher.  He had a severe case of pancreatitis a few months ago and now is diabetic.  I was having an extremely difficult time finding something to give him.  I found your cookies after doing some research.  Fred LOVES your cookies.  He is always trying to get me to give him an extra one. He has never refused your cookies.   You have made both of our lives easier and happier.  Fred and I both thank you."
~ Nancy, Maricopa, AZ
Pip "Pip loves his cookies!  We break up two cookies for his diabetes shots in the AM and PM.  It's the only way to take his mind off the inevitable!     I've attached a  picture of Pip (the red min pin) and his brother Newman (mutt).  Actually Newman isn't diabetic but gets a pretend shot and a treat right along with Pip.   Don't want him to feel left out! :) "
~ Pam, Park Ridge , IL
I am doing much better now. I go back today for another day of glucose curve testing but I think this is going to be my last Squirtone for a while. I think my mommy and my Vet have me on the right dose of insulin finally with the help of my diabetic cookies. I have my energy back and I am almost back to my old self, playing and jumping. I get especially excited right after my insulin shots because my mommy makes sure that I always get a "cookie". My mommy says "do you want a cookie" and I go wild with anticipation of her dropping it on the floor for me to snatch up. They are so yummy and they smell so good and to top it off they're good for me too. I want to thank you for making my cookies because without them I wouldn't get to have a treat at all. I can't eat any of the treats I used to eat but now I don't want to, I just want my "cookies". Thank you for making this long, hard road much easier with your kindness and your awesome cookies. My mommy thanks you too because she used to cry a lot when I was first diagnosed but now when she sees me getting excited to have my cookie her face lights up w/a huge smile because she knows she's giving me something that's good for me and will also help with my sugar levels. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!! Sincerely, Squirt"
~ Rachel, Flower Mound, TX
"Yes my mommy did receive the Old Dog Cookie Company diabetic cookies and they are yummy.  It is so nice to hear the treat jar open and know that I am going to get a crunchy treat once again.."
~  Cindy, Houston, TX
"My baby Danny loves his cookies and I feel safe giving him treats I know are good for him.  YUM YUM.  Thank you from Danny." 
~ Diana, Bellflower. CA
"I am reluctantly enjoying my biscuits, I tend to be very fussy with my treats.  I eat them right up when I realize my people will not be giving me anything else.  Hope".
~  Kimberly, Terre Haute, IN
"My Golden Retriever, Honey, was the recipient of Mary McCarthy's kind gift of Diabetic Cookies.  She absolutely loved them, and I loved giving them to her as they posed no health risk to her diabetic condition.  Thanks so much for creating such a wonderful treat.  I will be sure to recommend these to all my friends' old and infirmed dogs!"
~ Paulette, Fairfield, NJ
"My girls Lucy(diabetic) and her sister Chelsea love their new treats.  Lucy is the brown MinPin.  Thanks for your product, now I can continue to give treats without guilt."
~ Thanks Tom, NYC
"Both my 10 year old diabetic Molly and four month old Bichon, Ollie enjoy your cookies.  Molly wants to thank you for making them soooooo delicious"
~ Lee, Scottsdale, AZ
"All three of my dogs are enjoying the cookies....they all love them...and they are good for them even without an health issues....... Abby has not been officially diagnosed with diabetes but she has some health issues that I am having addressed with acupuncture and she needs to have the best food and treats that I can provide for her....... thanks again for a wonderful product.....Abby, Benny and Winston"
~ Nancy, Lakeville , MA
"Jay love the cookies !!!  he is doing better!! thanks."
~ Alicia, Boonton, NJ
"We adopted Gracie when she was about 9 months old.  She was blind.  She was hit by a car when she was 5 months old and her owners dumped her when they found out that she would be blind forever.  Gracie is now 14 years old.  We discovered that she was diabetic last fall and at that time her favorite treat was baby carrots.  We had to quit giving them to her because they have too much sugar in them.  She now feels the same way about your treats; she could not live with out them!  And neither could we; because when Gracie wants a treat she lets you know! "
~ Tom, Burleson, TX
"Thank you so much for making these cookies available. Emma loves them and they are not affecting her diabetes. She can now get back to her tricks!"
~ Luanne, Carlsbad, CA
"I searched on the internet for fat free sugar free treats.  And found Old Dog Company!  I asked the vet about the treats and she said they were fine.  We just went for a checkup and her blood sugar was way down and the vet said she is not diabetic.  Between the diet change and the great treats it has helped Misty tremendously!  I have ordered several times and will continue to order.  Thanks for caring!"
~ Anita, Navarre, FL
"Charlie loves the Old Dog Cookies.  They help Charlie tolerate his shots knowing he will get his cookies."
~ Lucille, Chester, VT
"Bogey loves his new cookies. He is doing a lot better on his insulin and new diet. Thanks so much for asking!
~ Laraine , Tampa, FL
"Jake cornered me and asked if we needed more diabetic treats.  We still have some on hand, but he was concerned that we might run out, with only one remaining in the pantry"
~ William, Phoenix, AZ
"I love my new treats!"
~ Deborah, Richmond, VA
"Lulu loves her dog treats.  I fell safe giving them to her. I don't have to worry about her sugar going to high. Its hard to find treats to give to diabetic dogs. I'm glad I found your site. Thanks"
~ Beth, Utica, NY
Lu Lu
"Loooving my cookies: they taste great and they are helping me with my diabetes; so as soon as I eat some more, I’ll have Ale order another box for me, Idefix"
~ Ale, NY, NY
"Thank you so very much for the wonderful Diabetic Cookies...I am only 6 yrs old and recently diagnosed and was happy that you make such yummy cookies for me to enjoy!, Maggie May"
~ Marlene, Sands Point, NY
Maggie May
"Alex is fine.He loves his cookies. He knows what the word cookies are.There are two things he loves most,his ball and his cookie"
~ Lucretia, North Las Vegas
"When we found out our 9 year old Weimaraner, Newman, had Diabetes....we were, shocked and of course extremely concerned..... What an awful thing for a dog to have.  Due to  his health becoming a huge issue, his diet was drastically changed...Our vet had the perfect dry / wet food....but no dog treats, that were suitable for a dog with Diabetes... 

I thought , how am I going to give him insulin shots twice a day...and not be able to give him any kind of treat after wards?My on line search began and I found your site.

Newman just loves his diabetic doggie treats....he happily gobbles them up....and we love that they are all natural and perfect for his dietary needs. 

Thank you for a great product.....
We are also happy to report, that our local "Jake's Dog House" carries both now we always have a great supply on hand!"

~ Keryn, Marlton, NJ
"I love my Old Dog Cookies so much - the only thing is my mommy does too so I have to keep my eye on her around the biscuit tub.  Good thing she ordered 2 buckets!! "
~ Leslie, Pacific Palisades, CA
"Becky, my 12 1/2 year old DARLING SWEET Labrador retriever may be blind from her diabetes, but she knows the sound of her Old Dog Cookies being opened!  Once given treats liberally, she knows now that she can only have them sparingly if at all since she gets two shots a day of vetsulin.  She could not be happier that Old Dog gives her the opportunity to have a treat now & again.   Thanks so much! "
~ Shelley, Mechanicsburg, PA
"You bet I am enjoying my Old Dog Cookies.  I am a 7 year old yellow lab who was used to eating table scraps in addition to regular dog food.  About a month ago, my doctor said that I had diabetes and could no longer eat Cheetos and other goodies from the table.  I thought my family was mad at me and I was very sad for a while.  Then one day, the Old Dog Cookies showed-up and now I know that my family really does love me. 

You know, I have been closely watching that cookie supply and think it is about time for us to re-order.  I wouldn't want to run out.  Winston"

~ Ron, Forth Worth, TX
"I snuck on my mommy's computer to let you know...My Aunt Muffy really DOES like your cookies... But I DO TOO!!!  And I'm not even a diabetic!  I wasn't able to have ANY snacks until my mommy found your cookies for Muffy... Now I can have a cookie too!!  Thanks from me too!! Keeto."
~ Debbie, Rio Rancho, NM
Keeto and Muffy
"As one of your most loyal customers, I've attached a few photos of myself for your collection, and, of course, the admiration of other customers. With Old Dog Cookies, I am able to maintain my position as leader of the pack at WindDancer Farm, and our family of Rottweilers, Cattle Dogs, and Simon, a hairy Chihuahua who thinks he's special. 
Keep up the good work - your cookies provide me with the strength needed to keep everyone in line, and are a highlight of my days.  Buba"
 ~ Kelly, Antrim,  NH
"I am very satisfied with your cookies. As you can see from my latest photo shoot, I am holding my owners sock ransom for the NEXT COOKIE!!!"
~ Debbie, Rio Rancho, NM
"I am very much enjoying the cookies that my Mommy gives me. I think they are helping me out because I had to go to the Doctor today and by blood sugar was only 74. My Mommy still had to give me a shot tonight, but I don't think there was as much stuff in that sharp thing she always pokes me with.Here's a picture of me with my Mommy. She's the best. I came to live with her last year after a bunch of nice people from a place called Small Paws Rescue came and took me and a bunch others out of the awful mill we were living in. Now I have my Mommy, my Grandma and another brother and sister to play with all day. I think they are Bichon's too, but JJ is really fat!  Jenna"
~ Michelle, Ogden, UT
Hi, I'm Julio and I am dog of the month.  I turn 13 on January 9, 2007.  I love ear rubs, hogging the bed and my mother (not necessarily in that order).  I also really love Old Dog Cookies - both the arthritis and diabetic cookies.  They are DELICIOUS"
~ Diane, Wayne, PA
Morgan and Duke
"Here we are waiting for the mailman to deliver our cookies!  We love them!  Morgan and Duke"
~ Diana, Enfield, CT
"Muffin loves her Old Dog Cookies!  We used to give her treats every morning but since the diabetes we had to stop, but with your treats she looks forward to them again!  We have to guide her to the treats because she went blind in matter of weeks.  Her mood has actually been down since all this has happened so at least she can still get her treats which she dearly loves!"
~ Karen, Simpsonville, KY
"Prissy is enjoying her cookies very much! She loves running to the pantry after getting her insulin shot to be rewarded with a treat! "
~ Allison, Arlington, TX
"Scooby enjoyed them very much and so did our other non diabetic dog Ripley.  They can't wait for me to order more"
~ Tony, Tempe, AZ
"I just want to thank you for the excellent customer service and prompt delivery.  Max, a 7 year old Samoyed/Spits mix, is very picky about his treats.  When I found out he was diabetic I thought I would never find him a treat he would like.  The Old Dog Cookie's are a hit. He loves them. We will definitely be getting more!"
~ Theresa, Midland, GA.
"Thatcher love's his Old Dog Diabetic Cookies and is so happy to have treats in his life again! He's had a rough year and some serious health problems. He recently turned 12 years old, but still enjoys the good things in life. (cookies are definitely in that category). We will be needing some more!"
~ Denise, Houston, TX
Chloe "Chloe is a 7 year old doxie who has been healthy always and suddenly was stricken with diabetes. She felt left out at treat time because she has a sister who was getting treats and now long story short she is a happy camper again. She jumps up and down for her treats and according to her vet is doing great.Thank you so much. You should consider making a diabetic dog food.Chloe"
~ Germaine, Bonita Springs, FL
~ Gayle, Queen Creek, AZ
Skippy "I'm doing well and will send you a picture of me. I love my special treats made by your company. I'm a lucky dog. Even though I am diabetic and blind- I have a wonderful home with 4 other terriers to keep me company. I sometimes act grumpy around them, but I still love them. Besides- "I'm" the one that gets your special cookies.Woof, woof- Skippy"
~ Robyn, Brooksville, FL
"Thanks for asking, I love your cookies! Your friend, Baxter I just found out I had diabetes in May and all the sudden they told me no treats! I was really upset! Anyway, you saved the day. I can have treats again and still watch my glucose level-whatever that is? And , I really like 'em!!"
~ Nancy, Dallas, TX
"Thanks for the cookies, Lacey loves them so does her brother Jake, we're going to need some more pretty soon the way they have been eating them ..thanks again for making a healthy treat for my sick dog..Susan".
 ~ Susan, Temecula. CA.
"Maxwell loves his Old dog Diabetic Cookies.  He's been diabetic for almost three years and would not have stayed as well regulated if it wasn't for his favorite diabetic treats.  Thank you!"
~ Heather, Providence, RI

"Thanks for all the treats over the past three years for Cassie.  She loves them.  I don't know how much they contribute to her well-being but I can tell you this...when she doesn't have them and gets something else for a treat, I am always fighting her blood sugar levels.  With these I don't have to worry at all and she can have lots more.  After about 1/2 year of struggling to get her stable, she has been just fine for two years and I hope for many more (she's almost 12!) with your help. Appreciate your making our lives more pleasant!"
~ Julie , Oakland, CA
"Snowy loved her treats and needs more.   She is doing great.  She has had cataract surgery and is adjusting to life with diabetes.  Attached is a picture of "First Autumn Snow" aka Snowy.  She is 9 years old and will turn 10 in October.  Thanks for the treats!"
~ Penni, Chunchula, AL
Approved by Max!
"The dogs love the Old Dog Cookies.  Will definitely reorder when done with current supply."
~ Joe, Uniontown, OH
"Dakota enjoys his Old Dog Diabetic Cookies several times a day. Since receiving them he is no longer left out at treat time when his 2 brothers get their treats!

Until Dakota came down with Diabetes I had never heard of this affecting dogs. My vet tells me they treat about 100 diabetic dogs. On our next visit I'll give him your brochure. He has diabetic dog foods but no treats. Perhaps you folks can work something out.

Thanks so much for the follow-up and allowing Dakota to be included once again!"

~ Fred, Glendale, AZ
"Fanci likes her new cookies.  They aren’t Pupperoni’s, but much healthier for her we hope.  She seems to be adjusting to her prescription diet and insulin.  Thank you for your concern."
~ Deborah, Jones Creek, TX
"Remember those 7 boxes of diabetic cookies I ordered for Sissy ?, Well I need more. She Loves those snacks. Whatever you put in them, must be magic. I need 7 more boxes. She gets right down to the heart of the matter, when she finishes off a box. I thought this picture expressed just how much she Loves them,when she gets down to a couple of them in the box. Her eyes will be operated on May 22nd. for cataracts."
~ Tom, Winchester, VA
"I love my special cookies.  My little brother, Moto, (the Rottie guy on the left) likes them even more, and he doesn't even need them, the big lug!  Tell your folks my mom and dad are really happy they found a treat I can have now.  I'm a good old dog - and deserve treats! - Abbey "
~ Keith, Chandler, AZ
"I LOVE your cookies!!!  Mom says that I've been so good that she is going to order more for me.(YUM!) - Abby"
~ Sonia, Marysville, OH
"Swifty loved them.  My mom was a little afraid he wouldn't since they were a little hard.  Since he likes them, I plan to order him more. 
Swifty is a stray that my mom and step-dad have taken care of and have spent thousands of dollars on--first he had heartworms and now he has diabetes.  As you can see from the picture.  He's an expensive 'mutt.'  Most folks don't spend that much money on a purebred (which my mom says means nothing).  A life is a life.  The doctors and nurses are crazy about him because he's so sweet.  They can poke and stick him and he never makes a sound.  He's a good ole boy."
~ Beverly, Baxter, TN.
"Bridget really loves her cookies. We call them her "Good Girl Cookies" she gets one daily, usually when we leave for work. She is really a very SPECIAL dog! As you know she is a Diabetic and is also blind. She is our baby and as you can imagine, very pampered. We will be in touch again soon with more orders. Thanks for taking care of our Special needs for special dogs. Have a great Spring!"
~ Beth , Columbus, MS.
"TU likes your cookies very much.  She is now 14 and is totally blind and has diabetes.  She is a wonderful friend especially when I tell her I have an Old Dog cookie for her.  We will be ordering a few more soon.  Thanks for your wonderful service in the past!"
~ John & Joy, Warren, ME. 
"Sadie's cookies arrived today and she absolutely loves them.  As long as Sadie is with us, you'll be getting our business.  Thank you so much for making these available for her."
~ Linda, Augusta, GA
"Those cookies are great, I get one after my insurin, er insulin shot and I can't wait.  The picture is me with my summer haircut.  I'll get my mom or dad to order me more cookies soon-- Larry"
~ Guy, Cheshire, CT.
"She so LOVES her diabetic dog cookies! Brandi was just diagnosed in late November and I have been very hesitant and careful about changing her food. She is a very picky eater.  When we received your cookies I held out one of them and one of her usual dog biscuits so she could choose.  It was no contest.  She quickly went for the diabetic dog cookie.  They smell so good too.  I really think they have made a big difference in helping me regulate her diabetes. They are something that I feel so good about feeding to her." 
~ Cherie, Tinton Falls, NJ.
"The dogs very much enjoyed their treats.  I am attaching a picture of them.  The fatter one is Duke and has arthritis in his knees and the other one is Trouble who has just been through heck recently.  He ruptured a disk in his neck during the Thanksgiving week and had Duke and Troublesurgery.  He then developed severe diabetes on Christmas day and spent another five days in the hospital.  The diabetes complicated his ability to heal from the neck surgery.  Recently, Trouble, has developed cataracts and has lost most of his vision. Although I would love to have him go through the surgery to fix his vision, the vet has not been able to get his insulin amount correct and therefore does not recommend the surgery.  It has been a difficult time as my husband and I do not have human kids, but consider Duke and Trouble are family.  They are 10 years old now and the joy of my day.

That is probably way more than you wanted to know.  On the other hand, they love the treats.  Actually they are about out and I would like to place a bulk order for the diabetic treats. " 

~ Brett, Fort Collins, CO.
Jaggar Above ~ Portia Below
"Jaggar loves his cookies! Thank you for thinking about the diabetic dogs, now he has a treat of his own and I feel safe giving them to him. With diet being so important with a special needs animal, it is great to know someone is thinking of them too!! I will absolutely be back for more. The picture attached is of Jaggar and Portia. Thanks again."
~ Cinda, Tumwater, WA.
"We received the bulk pkg of the diabetic cookies.  Thank you for the quick shipment.  Morgan goes to the Vet every  two months for a glucose curve, and it has been up and down for the last few times.  He went yesterday, after only one month because his levels were high, and they didn't want to increase his insulin before they did another monthly check. I am happy to report that his levels are right where they should be, and does not need to have an increase in his dosage.  I attribute this to your diabetic dog cookies, because that is the only thing that has changed.  Of course he also has a daily walk and a good controlled diet. But the treats are the little edge we now have for keeping him happy and his insulin needs under control.  Thank you so much for having these, and also for your interest and concern about your clients.  Keep up the good work. "
~ Diana and Morgan, Enfield , CT.
"The Old Dog cookies are really yummy, but I have to keep them away from my sister Pearl...she's not diabetic she's just old!!  I am sending pictures of us..I'm the redhead and Pearl's the one with the most gray hair. My human is going to order some more cookies  for me and she's going to get Pearl some for arthritic dogs too!! Licks from, Gumbo"
~ Helen, Ormond Beach, FL.
"Todo loves your cookies, and we will be ordering more. Thank you,"
~ Linda, Buchanan, TN.
"Loving the treats.  Here I am waiting to see what my birthday present will be.  Turned out to be Old Dog Cookie treats.  Yummy. Lucky"  

~ Brenda, Billerica, MA.
"Rambeau is a 4 year old Chihuahua who was diagnosed with diabetes last January. He got a box of your cookies for Christmas and really loves them. He gets 2 shots a day and gets a cookie after each shot. He really likes his treats and doesn't fight the shots so much when he knows that he is getting one. For a while it was a real fight with no treats that he could eat. Thanks a bunch."  

~ Geneva, Scott, LA.
"Yes, I sure like your Old Dog Diabetic Cookies! My folks are busy switching me over from human to canine insulin, and on our visit to my Vet, he agreed with me about the cookies.

The attached picture, while not my best, shows me relaxing after enjoying a snack of Old Dog Cookies. General Patton" 

~ Wilhem, Mansfield, OH
General Patton
Casper and Chief
Casper is on insulin now.  Amazing how one can administer shots to a dog, to keep him going every day.  He just LOVES them diabetic cookies.  So I will have to keep him in stock with them.  The Minnievale Animal Hospital got a copy of your flier and were very impressed by them.  I gave them a sample of your diabetic cookie.   I know they made copies of it in the office since one of them had an arthritic dog." 

~ Lois, Woodbridge, VA
"I received my order this morning and I gave our Basset Hound (Harley) 2 at lunch and she loved them. She has always been use to having milk bones and treats between meals, but we had to stop that when we discovered she was diabetic. Now we have something that we can give her between meals that will help satisfy her and also help her control the diabetes.Harley

Thank you so much, and I am sure I speak for many other, for offering treats that are healthy for our best friends.

Your company is very special to us because according to God's word, he gave us dominion over the animals of the earth and that surely means taking care of them. You have blessed us with providing Harley with treats she can enjoy.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and the best of the New Year."

~ Hamp, Lyons, GA
"I am enjoying the diabetic cookies you sent me.  I asked "Santa" for some more, I hope he gets them for me.My sugar is now under control, my mommy and daddy hope it stays this way.Hope you are warm up there in Maine. Otis"
~ Chris, Wantage, NJ
"Thanks soo much, he's been out of these for about a week and half and I can tell the difference! (he's been drinking more and his sugar level is up) What would I do without these cookies!  Zappa"
~ Stacy, Hamilton, NJ
"Yes I do ( enjoy Old Dog Cookies), in fact there have been a couple times where I damn near had half the bag eaten before I got caught.Cody"
~ Kevin, Fishtail, MT
"Bogie loves his new treats. Thank you for asking and for making such wonderful diabetic dog treats. Bogie LOVES treats and we were really concerned when we found out he had diabetes that he wouldn't be able to have his favorite treats. Now he doesn't know the difference and loves the new treats. His sister Sara also loves them, she isn't diabetic, but she gets to eat them too so it's all fair".
~ April, Kingsport, TN
"Yuki, a malamute, LOVES her Old Dog Cookies! Yuki says, Hello to all from Sylmar, California."
~ Nick, Sylmar, CA
"I have the bestest mommy ever for buying me your cookies! Thanks for making them so good for me without sacraficing the taste at all.

Getting a shot twice a day is no big deal as long as I know I'm getting one of your cookies after! 

Thanks again Old Dog Cookie Co! You've help put the spring back in my step!  -Suzie "

~ Mt. Laurel, NJ
Woody really enjoys the Diabetic Dog Treats.  I'm glad I was able to find your company and order the treats for him. I was surprised that very few companies make diabetic dog treats. Quit a few older dogs are diabetic. Woody says thank you for making the treats."
~ Chrys, Camarillo, CA
Joey "I am glad I found your product for diabetic dog treats. In fact my dog Joey enjoyed them so much, I wanted to send you a Thank You note from him.

- Thank you Old Dog Cookie Co.  I have been diabetic for 2 yrs now, but now I also have alleriges, so I can not enjoy my old treats (although once and awhile I still like my rawhides). My mom found your product on the web when she was checking out info on diabetes in dogs. After she checked with my doctor, she ordered a box. When the box arrived in the mail, mom said the package was for me.  I could not wait till she opened it up.  In fact they smelled so good, mom said might try one. They were so good, I wanted to eat the whole box. I can not wait for mom to order more.  Thanks again. Joey"

~ Ali S. MI
"Chewy says he is just a little finicky about the cookies. Some days he will eat them and some he turns up his nose."
~ Jean, Elko, NV
"They are the best!!  Can't wait till treat time after my walk and ball  playing and especially after I get my shot in the morning!!  Thanx a million!  They make my day!!" 
~ Bridget, Gilroy, CA.
Dear Old Dog Cookie Company:

This is me - PUGNACIOUS!!!!  Even though I have diabetes (which we are trying to stabilize with my Vet) I think I look real handsome.  I also am very LUCKY that I am still able to enjoy treats.  I think your treats are very YUMMY & my baby brother LOVES them too and he can eat anything he wants!

Thank you OLD DOG COOKIE COMPANY!  Your positive contribution to the maintenance of my health makes me a HAPPY, OLD DOGGIE!


~ Pugnacious, West Hempstead, NY
Sage "Dear dbucknam:  I yuv my Old Dog Cookies and my doctor told me they are very good for me.  I told Mommy to make sure that she orders more this time, BEFORE my supply gets too low.  It was hard for me to be out of them, while I waited for the new order to arrive.  Thank you for checking on me and sending me an email.  Mommy will continue to order my very bestest Old Dog Cookies! Have a good day, Sage"

Good news today...Sage is INSULIN REGULATED, after 5 long months!  He has shown such good progress since starting his Old Dog Cookies, that I can't help but feel the cookies have contributed to his regulation.  Thank you so much!

~ Cecelia, Houston, TX
"I LOVE your treats.  I am well into my second box.  Do they come in chocolate?  Just kidding.  We have told several people including our vet about your product. Thanks again.  I'm sure my mom will be ordering again really soon.  Julio"
~ Diane, Wayne, PA
Sir Julio
"Love Mom says they smell so good she might eat one!  My vet said they were o.k. too. Thank you for this great product. "
~ Martha, Steamwood, IL
"Toby was just recently diagnosed with diabetes and we're struggling to get him regulated.  It was difficult not to be able to give him a treat, as has been our past practice, when we left the house. Finding your cookies has been a wonderful resource to us (and Toby)! "
~ Bob, Macungie, PA


"My Miniature Schnauzer named Kenton received his diabetic cookies last week and he just loves them.  Kenton is 13 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes about a month ago.  I was surfing the Web to study diabetes in dogs and ran across your website.  It is a good thing we found you because Kenton sure likes to munch his treats.  He also likes to listen to Jazz which is why he is named after the famous Stan Kenton.  Good Jazz and good cookies – what a life! Thanks again for creating such a great product."
~ Jeff, Plano, TX
"Yuki says,"Awrooof!" Which translates to "Yummy!" "She still has unstable blood-sugar cycles, but we HAVE been able to reduce her insulin a bit, and we got more aggressive about modifying her feeding schedule and food and supplements, so she no longer has bladder infections and is healthier and happier.Thanks, Old Dog Cookie Gang!"
~ Nick, Sylmar, CA
Arthritis Relief Satisfied Customers
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"We have an 11 year lab called Titan whom we think is one of the most amazing dogs in the world. We're originally from South Africa so we got Titan in Johannesburg when he was just 8 weeks old. I am an attorney with a multinational company so in 2011 we relocated with my Company to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Titan came along with us and enjoyed the fun in he sun and sand dunes there...Early 2015, we relocated to New Jersey, USA where we currently live. Again Titan (obviously part of our family) came along with us...He now enjoys the Garden State...Titan has also travelled to Oman and to The Netherlands. Titan has always been in good health, but recently he developed joint issues and unfortunately had a situation where he had a slipped disc. Titan underwent a 4 hour surgery and against all odds is making an amazing recovering. A colleague suggested we give him Old Dog Cookies so I got them and he loves them. True to my colleagues words Old Dog Cookies is making a big different. Titan is feeling so much betterr , he has stronger mobility and appears very happy. Titan is very special to us...We have 2 sons who are 15 and 12 years old. Titan has helped us make sweet memories across 3 countries. On a personal note, Titan has brought healing to challenges associated with Epilepsy and Asperger's Syndrome. He is our best friend who knows the song of our heart and sings it back to us when we forget the words. Thank you Old Dog Cookies for making our best friend happy!” 

~ Nev, Randolph, NJ
Poppy "This 14 year old girl is Poppy.  She came to live with us last year after my father-in-law passed away.  I knew she had been diagnosed with arthritis so we gave the Arthritis Relief Cookies a try.  She thinks these are the best thing invented since carrots – her former favorite treat.  These tasty cookies are a huge hit with her.  I like that the cookies are a natural treat, but more importantly Poppy tells me they are delicious.  On top of that, her joint stiffness seems much improved since snacking on these cookies.  She definitely has more spring in her step these days.  
Oops – she’s almost out of cookies.  Time to order another 5 pound box.  I just love the convenience of ordering in bulk!"

~ Amy, Hopkinton, MA

"Buster, 10, left, a rescue from Northeast Coonhound Rescue, and Ali McBeagle, 15, right, a rescue from Beagle Rescue Education and Welfare (BREW) when they were in New England. Buster and Ali and their sister, Lily, a rescue from Beagles of the New England States, LOVE Old Dog Arthritis Relief Cookies!!!"

~ Judith, Norwell, MA

Buster- Ali
"Randall is a 10 yr old rescue I recently adopted. He has arthritic back legs and has seen great improvement in his mobility since eating your cookies. Thank you for caring about our sweet older dogs. I will be ordering another 5 lbs!"
~ Melissa, Fredericksburg,VA
"Thank you for the delicious cookies. I love them so much that I want to be a good dog all the time, except I just can't help myself when the cat walks by, all high and mighty with that "cats rule" attitude. I must give chase, and then there was the one time Dan told me to  "go get her"... So I did! Much to his surprise.  Please tell Spirit hi for me and I hope one day we can play on the beach. Thanks again for the cookies, they are so good, they make me want to dance!   Yours truly,  Sir Willoughby" Thatcher"

~ Maribeth, Wells, ME

Akashi "We are all rescue beagles - Ali, 14, is from B.R.E.W. (Beagle Rescue, Education and Welfare) when they were in New England) and Jerry and Lily, both 9, are from B.O.N.E.S. (Beagles of New England States) which replaced B.R.E.W. 
We all LOVE Old Dog Cookies (arthritis) which we get every night before bed so thank you for asking. 
Wish there was a pic of us eating a cookie but our mouths would be moving so fast it would be difficult to stop the action!!!Take care and keep up the great work (product!!)
Ali McBeagle, Jerry and Lily"

~ Judith, Norwell, MA

"Kepler and I are enjoying the arthritis formula dog cookies. We are old dogs. Cormac, the little guy on the right in the picture, is only two, so we don't share with him. The diabetic cookies are for our friend Duke E. Monster whose picture has been on your website. Thank you for checking on us. We love dog cookies! Sincerely, Kelsey (the black akita)." 

~ Darby, Parker CO

Dogeen "My sister sent my thirteen year-old black Labrador Arthritis Relief Cookies.  Not only does Dogeen love these treats, the sound of her satisfied crunching is music to my ears.  Thank you!"

~ Kathleen, New York, NY

"Maddie loves her arthritis treats from Barbara and Maddie's sister Piper! Thank you so much for caring for old dogs!"

~ Lindsay

"Kasey is going to turn 12 on August 24th.  During the fall of last year,  she began having serious trouble with arthritis in her hind legs.  It not only hampered her mobility, but also seemed to put her into a funk.  Thanks to your cookies, both of these problems have really improved to the point where she is healthier, livelier, and happier now than  on her 11th birthday.  That’s going in the right direction!  Thank you."

~ Dan, Drakes Island, ME

"Rudy loves his new cookies, and has lost 6 LBs in 4 weeks on his way down to 75 lb. He currently weighs 95 LB. We had no idea those other doggie bone snacks had so many calories."

~ Bob, Chandler, AZ

"Bonnie loves her Arthritis treats and I love them because they are so good for her."
~ Mary, Devens, MA
"I love the cookies, but mom won't give me as many as I'd like.  Actually, I could eat the whole 5 lbs. in one sitting if mom would let me.  I'm part chocolate lab, collie, and boxer--have attributes of all.  I'm so glad mom went to the retreat in Maine where she bought your dog treats.  I wasn't happy that mom took off without me, but she brought me some very tasty and healthy snacks.  Thank you again and merry Christmas."
~ Barbara, Putnam, CT
"Winston in completely ecstatic anytime he gets a cookie!  He gets one cookie once a day, which of course is the highlight of his day.  Winston is a 1 1/2 year old basset hound who was recently diagnosed with severe arthritis in both front legs.  Winston had a broken leg as a pup and has been through two surgeries to repair the break.  He's been through a lot in his young life and he is a trooper.  It's nice to have a treat to give him that will help his condition as we try to give him a full and happy lifestyle.  Thanks so much!"
~ Tracy, Golden Valley, MN
"Ishky loves her biscuits. It's so nice finding a treat she can enjoy that is good for her. I originally bought the diabetic cookies when the vet said she could not have salt. Then she had disc issues and I discovered the arthritis cookies. So she is a very happy girl. She likes banana chips too. She does not like to share with her 4 brothers and sisters Thanks" 
~ Debbie. Kensington, NH
"To tell you the truth both Sam (140 pd Rott ) AND Sunny (5.3 pd Chi ) both love your cookies. The cookies along with some aspirin has brought Sam around to playing again....... even if it is just a short bit. Thank you for making a good, safe product."
~ Linda, Creedmor, NC
"I'm Casey and my mom tells me I'm a very special 11 yr. old Yellow Lab. She says I was born with Hip Dysphasia and developed Osteoarthritis, whatever that means. All I know is my body hurts a lot. I get medicine every day, but I also eat special foods, supplements and Chinese Herbs to reduce inflammation. I love to eat, but some of the stuff mom puts in my bowl even I won't touch! Now we both get excited at "treat time" all because of Old Dog Arthritis Cookies. They are so yummy and make me feel younger too. We think Drakes Island Jetty will always be a special "Old Dog" like me. Thanks Old Dog Cookies!"
~ Kalle, Santa Barbara, CA
"The cookies are delicious, I know where SHE keeps them and so I remind her frequently of their presence.  For some reason, I'm moving around more easily and can run up the stairs now to try to get to the litter pan before SHE does.

As you can see from my picture, I'm a border collie.  I'm 12 1/2 years old, and have osteoarthritis, whatever that is.  I detest sheep, and so I came upon hard times as a young dog, but I have been safe and away from anything that goes Baaa for a long time now.  I do try to herd the wild turkeys that trespass here, but they aren't very cooperative either. 

SHE will let you know when I run out of cookies.  I will make sure of that. Ross"

~ Mary Ann, Frankfort, ME
"Thanks for the grand transaction. Really nice customer service, fast shipping, great packaging and Newfy likes the cookies. Enclosed is a picture of Newfy in his beach buggy, "Wet Dawg".  That is the only time he sits. He is very athletic, swims, runs but he does need some joint comfort that I hope will be delivered in the cookies. Newfy is 7. Thanks, 2 happy customers
~ Bliss & Newfy" Trappe, MD
"Shadow loves them - thanks."
~ Kathy, Gaithersburg, MD
"I love my Old Dog Cookies; Mom is ordering some more since my little brother likes it too!  It tastes soooo good and I'm feeling better.  Thank You.  By the way, here's a picture.  Don't I look pretty? Woof, Mandy"
~ Cora, Kent, WA
"Sadie just loves the arthritis cookies.  She gets 2 a day; one in the morning and one in the evening.  She is 7 years old and has lymes.  After taking her round of antibiotics this past spring, she still seemed to be somewhat stiff in her back legs when she would get up.  Since arthritis problems can develop from lymes, I researched the internet to find some type of good natural product to be able to give her to help with the arthritis.  I found your website and decided to give the cookies a try.  I ordered the bulk size.  Since she started eating them, she seems to have more energy, stands up quicker and is more alert.  She runs around now like a puppy again. 

My daughter has shown Sadie at our County Fair Dog Show every year.  We were not sure if we would be able to show her this summer because of her arthritis symptoms.  But now after seeing how well she is doing with your cookies, my daughter is looking forward to showing her again this summer.  I will continue to buy these wonderful cookies."

~ Cheryl, Arkdale, WI
"As you can see I'm an old dog (11 yrs.) with a long body and short legs, a little on the heavy side too! Being part terrier, (my mom calls me terror), I'm the most fierce dog in the neighborhood and would jump off a cliff to chase a squirrel if I had too. But alas time and ferocity has taken it's toll and I have developed a painful limp. My mom orders Old Dog Cookies for me. She gives me 2 in the morning and rewards me for good behavior with 2 more when I stay instead of chasing squirrels. I also get 2 at bedtime. I love my Old Dog Cookies and I think they help me behave...Bear"
~ Pamela, Murphsboro, IL
"Yes I am enjoying my cookies.  Mama originally bought them for my sister, Mysti, who was seeming a little arthritic but she went over the Rainbow Bridge prior to the cookies arriving so Mama is giving them to me as a preventative measure.  They are yummy and smell like apples.  I don't get to eat them every day but mama alternates them with other treats.  They are nice and crunchy and I know that helps my teeth stay cleaner too. Gidget"
~ Amy, Oceano, CA.
"Peanut is a HUGE fan of your cookies. She has eaten every last satisfying crunchy bite and needs more. Since her knee surgery a few months ago, her Vet has her on a strict diet to keep her slim, so her healthy Old Dog Cookie treats are very important to her. By the way, she is recovering nicely and is feeling much better, now when she goes for a walk she is pulling on the leash again instead of lagging behind. Thank you for a great product. Please keep up the good work."
~ Peanut's Family, Seaside, Oregon
"A couple of months ago, my dog Max had a terrible flare-up of arthritis. I took him to the vet who prescribed medication which helped relieve the pain somewhat. Watching him attempt to walk was heartbreaking—he could barely move from one resting place to another. My mother went online to find out if there were some sort of natural treats we could give him to help him with the arthritis. She came upon your website, and I am soooooo ecstatic to say that since he’s been eating your treats, he is back to his old self! It’s amazing what a turnaround he has made. He isn’t even taking medication anymore! Max"
~ Olivia, Titusville, FL.
"I think the ODC's are scrummy and I have 3 a day instead of other treats.  In fact, my cousin Fred the Sharpei has been asking for some too, so Mom is going to order Fred some ODC's. Your buddy, Winston"
~ Barbara, Marietta, GA.
"Jake really does enjoy these cookies! He ate the first one without hesitation and started sniffing the box! Jake is a 12 year old German shorthaired pointer who is still very active. He doesn't have Arthritis, but I'm a firm believer that you are what you eat. Eat healthy be healthy! After a few days of feeding these cookies to Jake, I noticed he did regain some of his youthful habits and seems more energetic lately. I feel these cookies have had a positive affect on his overall health and demeanor. Thanks for providing a great product!"
~ Ilmars, Manchester, CT.
"Jed loves his cookies. enclosed is a picture of Jed doing what Jed does best.He sleeps well knowing the old dog cookies are good for him."
~ Jeffrey, Lancaster, PA
~ Penny, East Hampton,  CT
Jed the basset hound, who is only two, has been eating your arthritis relief cookies for about 9-months. He already has arthritis in one of his front elbow joints. I would rather Jed eat your more-healthy cookies, than keep him on the harsh meds the vet gives him. I believe they are helping him, because he has no limp at all. So I am glad I found your product in a mall those 9-months ago. Thank you for the great product".
~ Holly, Bainbridge, PA
"Sargie is enjoying the cookies as are his brothers.  I have 4 dogs and 3 out of the 4 are 13 or older.  Sarge has bad hip problems and it seems like he is moving better now after having the cookies.  He has 2 a day and combined with his "senior" dog food that he has just started, he is moving better.  The attached picture is Sarge (black dog turning 14 this year) and his brother Bo (white and black spotted dog Bo is a year older than Sarge with way less health problems).  I'm very glad that I found your product.  I would hate to have to have him on some medicine that made him sleep all the time.  All Sargie knows is that he enjoys the cookies and he feels better.  I'll be ordering again soon, with all the boys eating them, they are going fast!" 
~ Paula, Ashton, IL
King "King loved the cookies, I will be placing another order soon.Thank you for such a great product." 

~ Lisa, Princeton, WV
"As with anything new I was somewhat skeptical.  But with your honest approach and the great information on the website, I opted to try two packages. Rowdy loves them.  Thanks for the Arthritis Relief Cookies." 
~ Jane Hamon, Fayetteville, Ark 
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- dog products, dog lameness

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19 Island Beach Road 
Wells, ME 04090 


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